Hey guys. I know it's been some time since I have added any details in here. I am going to copy and paste over some posts from my other thread, so sorry if they seem awkward.
Sorry for the total shut-in status of this thread in the past year(s) everyone. Iv'e been so consumed by work, side-jobs, and the stupid Datsun build, that I have barely devoted any time to this poor car. I hope to get back in here with a good sized update soon, but the short and skinny has been:
1. I blew the first motor up. I was pretty hard and abusive on the motor, using a borrowed timing map from a turbo LS1 motor sourced online. Timing was
WAY too aggressive and I ran into some huge boost spikes due to my poor judgement of wastegate/BOV vac sources on the intake, and I either shattered a ring(s) or killed many valves to the point that the car's exhaust turned into an oil fog machine at the end of last year. The car ran very hard and felt good, but upper-end pinging seemed to come and go, and wasn't predictable. Also learning that in my ignorance, EDIS-8 ignition setups (with any standalone) have no spark-cut rev limiting, and only use fuel-cut rev limiting was most likely the nail in the coffin. I had done many-a-burnout and slidy-stuff with the motor bouncing off the limiter, putting the engine in the worse case scenario with cutting fuel instead of soft-cut spark at high boost/load. I parked the car in the garage, and didn't look at it at all till mid this year.
2. I bought a new (junkyard) 1UZ, and I did the usual re-seal and swapped over all the cool shiny bits from the previous motor. Due to lack of time dedicated to this project, I have been picking at this process over the past handful of months, even though the amount of work needed wasn't that substantial. I did learn a considerable amount from the first build (mainly what not to do), and made some changes and upgrades on the new motor. I hope to detail this out soon.
3. I finished buttoning up everything over this weekend, just in time for the end of the season (go figure). I am using a considerably more conservative timing map from a verified similar turbo setup that a friend dialed in on his 1UZ turbo Cressy, and have been re-tuning the new setup.
4. The car is running fantastic right now. The timing map doesn't have the bite it use to in the low end, but power on-boost is so much more fluid and feels proper with no pinging whatsoever, even with only 91 octane. I did 3 hours and 120 miles on the car today, and loved every bit of it. It is running considerably better/healthier and more predictable than ever before, and I couldn't be happier to re-light the flame with this car that has been out for some time. Just being able to hop in the car and take an hour long trip to the river-front to cruise along River Drive is amazing, and has been a long time coming.
Here are some pictures to gander at real quick like, the end pictures from my drive today:
Future plans for the car aren't too crazy, I feel like I am getting to the point where I would actually like to
drive the car instead of working on it. I plan to install a simple piggy-back water/meth setup over winter, and possibly upgrade the fuel tank to a sumped setup with a better pump and hard lines to the front of the car just for the piece of mind. I also have been cooking up some big big upgrades in the wheel department, mostly so Mike Malloy will stop yelling at me.

I hope to have some progress on it before the beginning of next year, and I am really excited about it.
Thanks everyone,