hey Cobber,
Yeah i was amazed how much it screams

It's not that loud from inside the car, nor did i notice it that much on the dyno? Some of it is just the high pitch dominating the mics on the vid cameras i think but it is pretty loud and gets your attention apparently
I could vary the pump rate for the WI but i'm not. At present the utronic just uses a 2D rpm/load table to turn the pump on or off. I've gone super conservative and it switches on @ 3psi.
I initally had x2 0.8 mm nozzles, one pre SC and one post. On the track day i added a second nozzle pre SC of 0.7mm and can only guess around at 450cc/min average rate?
I have a 1mm nozzle coming which will go post SC and i'll place the other 0.8mm pre SC which should give me around the 500cc/min but again i'm just guessing and will need to measure once they are fitted.
On the track day i also upped the meth % so running pretty well 50:50 now.
On ading the 2nd pre SC nozzle i noticed boost jumped up to just over 1bar so looks like it gave me a coupla extra psi?
Once this and a coupla other issues are refined i'll wack it back on the dyno for a run and log inlet temps.
they are only reach 77 deg right at the top 500rpm or so...thru most of the rev range they were sub 60 deg and hope the extra WI will get them below 50 deg...as much as i can hope for i think.
The TT setup with FMIC and WI was around 30 deg