BJ70 to Lex Conversion

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
G'day Keri, is that the norwest winch challenge you're aiming at getting it ready for? Can't wait to see it competing!!!
Bruce Huges is setting one up in Winton..about 30 mins out of Southland..everyone i've spoken too has said it'll be a great seeing as it'll be my first comp..goto go hard eh..hehe..LOL.some of our club members are competing as they are going in the full offroad spec section and i'm aiming at the club class (33" rubber an under..)
Are you over here then?
Ah cool, there is a posability I might be there for the Norwest filming, but not sure if work will be covering it yet. This comp that bruce is setting up sounds good though, is there a website with info?
Ah cool, there is a posability I might be there for the Norwest filming, but not sure if work will be covering it yet. This comp that bruce is setting up sounds good though, is there a website with info?
I'll have to send him an email.. i'll let ya know.And yes it should be fun..hehe
Bit of an update..have purchased a PTO but i'm missing the gears to run it in my xfer box..found some tho just have to wait an the mean time i'm reworking the exhaust around it..zzz(told the guy who made I was putting a electric winch on..)so it should be up and running again in about 2 days..then have to complete the front bar work then off for cert..-then I'm outta the country for 12 days..yipee..:bling: will post up a pic or 2 when PTO and exhaust are complete..
Bit of an are the photo's of the exhaust coming off the manufolds..the heat rap is so the floor in cabin doesn get too hot(was untouchable before)also to help keep temps down in engine bay..After I did this change,I have noticed that it is quiker in responce just from idle to 4k rpm:nervous: ..range..might be due to the longer primary's..not sure tho..will test run and let ya know laterzz

Also just did a vid of start up..and the sound at 6k rpm:smileeek: ..hehe more to follow when it's in a competition..hehe:scool: will upload the vid to youtube i guess and link it here..cheers
Well hopefully this works out and you can see the vid..first time at this so hope you injoy it..hehe
bah..gotta give it time to process..lmao..will post later
In a competition challenge..electric battery's are not up to winching all day and to recover over 600 amps with 2 battery's would take hours of driving around just to recover them even with a 160 amp alternator-it's just not fast enough to recover that sort of power..O If you have the gears inside your box can I buy them off you?(for the pto)..tis all I need to get this puppy going..BTW I have modded the winch so It's not even close to how the factory winch sits..will post a pic when done..cheers
Ok bit of an update..winch is on looking better then factory..(they stick miles out from the front..)and all that is needed for completion is the drive shaft attached to the front yoke on the winch and the gears installed into the transfer box..+ lever to make it all go..:AR15firing:and then get some plasma rope and wind it on ($500 bucks wourth..zzz:eek13: ) see if you can pick what makes this setup different..If you can pick it,i'll buy ya a beer..:beerchug:

WOW …. Very tough winch, Is it comes from the factory?? What is the length of the rope.
BTW, what is plasma rope? Its different than regular steel rope
YEs it is a factory winch but not toyota..:bigeyes2: and the way I have mounted it , is in my opinion is allow for better approach angle and is not too far forward mounted..:006: (the original toyota winch and mounting system sticks out at least another 150mm from where mine is mounted now) and as for the plasma rope..well the name suggests more but it's just an easy name for lots of different brands..:smoker: This is porbably what i'll get..notice it's breaking strain..Steel wire rope would break well before that at the same diameter..I'll most likely get about 40-50 meters of it and at $16.95 (inc GST)/'s very expensive shyt..LOL
12mm Dynamica Winch Rope. Use quantity to specify meters. 17,800kg breaking load, 16,000kg breaking load at splice. Made from Dyneema SK75 fibres. Dyneema is one of the strongest fibres in the world..
Hope that helps..cheers
the bit that sticks out would need a recon, I blew my box at the river and got filled with mud and water. You can have for the cost of postage and mabe a fang round the block if you came up to chch.
sure..Ive managed to get ( I think most of the bits for it..) but i'll keep ya invite for a fang around the block if I get up there..hehe..cheers
hey big, great job!! was wondering if you know of or anyone else here knows of a 60-62 series landcruiser has been dopne before? I have started getting bits and peices together and i'm curious to see if anyone has had probs with the conversion. help would be greatly appreciated!!
I think from memory they have the same series motors as the BJ,FJ,LJ,RJ,HJ... so if they have I would assume that the space is the same so there for..there would be no problem..just check which gearbox you have and see if someone here has adapted it to the lex and if're away racing..hope that helped..cheers
Bit of an update..have modd'd the aircon unit for endless air..fitted with a 60 psi pressure switch..have got the intake air being taken from the air box filtered,with a mini lubricator to lube the a/c unit..very basic setup but.... the pressure switch cuts the unit on/off alot when it gets to 60 psi..question is this OK for the a/c unit..? if not,can anyone recommend a better setup..?(would i need a backflow valve to stop the air pressure from dropping..?)..I figure that when i turn on the unit to pump tires,it'll be ok-just as long as it's not pulsing on/off for like 50x while you well..completly pumps a tire up from near flat to 40 psi in about 1 min..not bad i recon..cert has been completed and pto winch setup just needs the gears put into the xfer box..then wind on some rope and it's all set..cheers..first outting is the Motatapu Icebreaker 08 support 4WD for the medics..then the following week is the winch challenge..hmmm..not sure about that..LOL..cheers photos to come..cheers


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