looking tough mate....just get it running

blo0dy engineers
Yea Justen, sometimes being an engineer does limit the options that I consider......although I've definitely considered setting the dam thing on fire many times! But it's really getting there now; I gotta admit I've been hung up on this belt drive system in general, and these idlers in particular, for waayyy too long.
At least you will be able to enter the vintage category of the car shows when she's all done. Do we run a book again on estimated FWHP?
Love Ya work John, keep us posted.
Hahaha Andy by that time, I'll be too old and decrepit to drive the car, but I'll show it to my great-grandkids and tell them it's what we used to have fun doing before there was texting, video games, and FaceBook, and when there was still something called gasoline. As if they'll be interested - in 20 years they'll just look up from their i-whatevers, give me that lost deer in the headlights look and say "but why would you want to break the law and go fast? Big Brother would punish you......"
On the power, let's start the betting at 500 RWHP. Unfortunately, at the moment I have only a 40 tooth supercharger pulley being driven by my 60 tooth crank pulley. I wanted to find at least a 35 tooth, if not smaller, but it just wasn't to be. So for its maiden run under pressure the engine should have a pretty easy time of it. (And this is still the Opcon-Autorotor 2.2 liter 'charger)
Cams are Kelford's L74 grinds with 9.5mm net lift, and 262/270 advertised duration. No overlap - the intakes open 3.5 degrees ATDC, and we'll initially try them straight up on their lobe centers, so she'll have pretty high dynamic compression. (note to self - make sure the M/W comes in early.....)
I'd love to see this nice engine at a Sema show. It'll get a lot of head turners with "wow".

Can't wait to see it in the car.
Steve, by the time this thing is finished, they'll probably just look at it and wonder what it is, and where the power outlet is located to plug it in

But thanks for the compliment mate