Project Thread Toyota Land Cruiser Turbo

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
These guys are working on a 5000rpm redline powerband. I just do not think there is enough time on big power to justify a straight t4/t4 when they are clamoring for both tip-in boost, and a ginormous mid-range.
In all honesty, a t3 63 / t4 t04e60, OR a t3 63/60-1 hybrids (i.e. T3 .63 turbine / T04S 60-1) are the flat out best way to go.

One of my favorite dyno's ever is a bone stock vq30de Maxima with a t3/60-1 hybrid making 402bhp @ 7psi. On an ebay 35mm gate. VS an identical prep N/A engine:
I think *that* is pretty much what they're looking for. They just want it to happen 500rpm lower because of their gearing.

I say buy a t3/60-1, a 35mm wastegate off ebay, and a 5psi spring to rough-tune on. Once that's safe & out of the way, pre-adjust your fuel maps & run whatever rubs your tubs.
this site changed my life-thanks. I printed off 80 pages this morn and will probably bring it to church with me today

I woulde love to but a t3/t4 hybrid like this (i.e. T3 .63 turbine / T04S 60-1) But I need your help identifting them when I search ebay. So if the sell states that the "exhaust side" (ie turbine) is a .63 a/r ratio (which is all the info they usually give) do I need to ask specifics about what "size" turbine it is (stage 1,2,3,5) or does a .63 a/r ratio t/3 turbine only show up on one size t3 turbine? Concerning the compressor: The same thing applies here. Most of the time the sell will list the A/R ratio of the compressor and sometimes list the trim but often time they only list it as "t04" and cant tell me what compessor it is beyond that. (ie t04b vs t04e vs t04s) I understand that the T04b comes in s,v,or h trim. the t04e comes in 40,46,50,54,57,60 trim. the t04s comes in 60-1 and 60-2. The problem is that the vast majority of time the post says nothing about trim and only lists the A/R ratio of the compressor. I have read diff things concerning t04 turbines. I need clarification as to what the diff t04 turbines sizes are and what they mean. If I were to get a pure t04 I need to understand the turbine clasification. Now here is the kicker: If they don't list the torbine cor compressor size (trim) but only id them as t3 or t4 compressors or turbines, can I just look at the a/r ratios and know what size they are talking about? ie are there a/r ratios that exist only for certain size turbines/compressors so that by knowing these ratios I would also know what size turbine/compressor is being referenced? Help me get this so I can buy a turbo within the week and do the build.

I see Dusty is hitting up the used turbo's on Ebay, smart man.... I practically built and restored my entire SC400 thru ebay deals and saved lots of money.... Ebay can produce the goodies every now and then..... That first turbo choice link that you provided does look like possibly the best setup for the Mulla.$$$..Let me know if you don't plan on bidding on that one, I may choose to swoop in on that if you don't....Don't want to back door your finds.... Good luck....

this turbo only lists it as a t04b with a .69 turbine and a .60 compressor. dont I need to know if it is a s,v,or h trim compressor because when I look on a compressor map for an s trim t04b it is choked out (way less than 50% efficient) well before I get to even 4000rpms (35lbs/min) if i am only running 1.35 PR (6 psi), I have no experience but if I go by a map this s trim is insufficient
and AVOs turbo kits are world reknowed for quality and parts - you can't go wrong using one of their DIY kits. well worth the money if you don;t like spending your hard earned time and money on your own R&D on the fly...
thanks aaron
I note that your comment is based only on A/R ratios on a T04b. As I have said before, Arn't there diferent exhaust trims for the T04b? And wouldn't it help if I knew what Compressor trim this T04b is?

Would this turbine a/r ratio be too much?
Again, shouldn't I know what compressor trim it is too?

Is this one too big?
I search and cant find anything on "m24" is this a t04b or t04e? Again what trim?

1.32 is prob getting a bit too big for the low rpm response that was required - reducer or not. the compressors are fine for a low boost application.

1.15 is the biggest i would go, the 1.00 looks pretty much spot on. either or for me - manifold tricks will help here.

they both have a good sized exhaust wheel which will help a lot.
Thanks for your advice-I will use it. If you could comment on the trim thing It would make my day. I notice that on ebay the higher end turbos are much more specific as to the specifications--the sellers talk about "s trim" and "V trim" or say this compressor is sized similar to a such and such trim. I appreciate the discussions offered by this thread but I wish someone would speak in terms of specific trims besides just a/r ratios.
like you said, that exhaust housing is too small for a 4.5L.

compressor side is fine for a low boost application.
definitely - 1.32 is too big for your application.

here's some pics i found of mid 80s cosworth turbo engines.

the compressors are HUGE in comparison to the exhaust side (note how every exhaust pipe merges into one BEFORE the flange - not AT the flange...? this is a reducer).

but would you like to know a little bit of trivia? these turbo's are supporting 0.75L EACH!! these are MASSIVE turbos for the capacity - the whole engine is only 1.5L (smaller than your average Civic engine).

look at that exhaust A/R - it has to be AT LEAST 0.85.

imagine the comparitive size of one of those turbos supporting an inline six cylinder of 1.5L (not a 750cc 3cyl) and you'll understand why i'm saying a T3 is simply too small!
dunno about that cooler - it looks a little lacking. that said - if those outlets are 3in then i would say get it for that price.

turbo looks good too - prob just the right A/R for around 400hp.
Dusty said:
The intercooler is just ok. The thickness of the intercooler makes the biggest difference of lowering the intake temp. If you run high boost, 3" thickness is the minimum. The height doesn't make big difference because the air mostly flows straight along its path. The length is also important but not as the thickness.
"maximum boost" uses a chart for referencing the needed internal flow area of a intercooler based on the CFM the engine will be flowing. (including additional flow from boost) My motor at 4000 rpms and running 6 psi moves 359cfm and when referencing the chart indicates I need 17 square inches of flow area. So remember flow area equals the thickness of the intercooler core times the height (longer length coolers are great because they let the air travel a longer distance so more heat exchange takes place but the length doesn't contribute to flow area---flow area is the area perpindicular to the air flow)
So if I pretend an intercooler is 3 inches thick the cooler should be 17/3=12.6 inches tall. this is significant. 359cfm=25lbs/min. if we use hp=(lbs/min x10) then my motor should be making about 250hp at 4000 rpm with 6 psi-which sounds about right. So by the maximum boost calculation I need an intercooler with an air contact surface area equal to over twice that offered by all these 2.5" x 6" intercoolers on ebay so that I can make a mere 250hp. Yet all these ebay coolers clain they can efficiently flow 400hp. So what gives? Again I have no experience
