Time to start fitting 1UZ into my hilux

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Be aware these motors do not sit level. one bank of cyliders is higher than the other.

Look at the bottom of the sump. this should be level. Not that it matters much, after all all roads have cambrer on them.
Yeah, thanks for the post.

I haven't had too much time to post anything new up... But i did my engine mounts up a few weeks ago and noticed that the drives side of the engine mount is lower (shock absorber side) than the passenger side. I have accomadated for this by fabricating different engine mounts.
I spent a fair bit of time with a tape measure, spirit level etc to get it within 2mm of being centally located between the chassis rails and dead level. Triple checked the mounts before final welding with other reference points.
Engine is mounted up now and with it bearing its full weight and the engine rubbers loaded it is so closer to being centered it's not worth mentioning.
Gearbox member (which i though was going to be the easiest part) has been a full custom job. Was just going to buy a Snake Racing cross member, but they are out of stock... Have done up my own and just have to drill a few more holes to locate the gearbox mount and i'm done.
Wiring and Fuel is next... I'll shoot up some snap shots later on...


Thanks Zuffen that might save me a bit of time, but I think the sump is about 3mm higher than the passengers side.

I have mine set a little bit closer to the passengers side to put a bit more weight over that side to allow for the torque when in off camber situations. Its only about 5mm if that.

Since I run a Snake Racing compition cross member moving the mounts for that took all of about 1/2hr, wish everything was that easy.

Am going to call in and see about my camera during the week as I`m hanging to take some pics of it all coming along.
Yeah, my motor was hitting my firewall too when I left the gbox in the factory position
So what did I do? I flattened the firewall to suit.

Then when I got the motor down a bit lower, I realised that the sump didn't clear the xmember, so I had to move the motor and gbox forward 25mm, on suddenly the firewall was not a problem, so I had to hammer it out back to factory position.

Luckily my shifter still come up through the hole (just), and I do plan to lengthen the tailshaft by 25mm in the future, just not yet.

But in my case, moving the motor and gbox was definately the easiest solution
This weekend,

I remade the drivers side engine mount and put a few braces on it. Now wanting to redo the passengers side the same.

Started on the wiring, so far we have removed the un needed wires off the motor loom. These were all the auto stuff, trac/abs wiring and have modified the end of the loom for where we want to run relays, fuses etc.

Also started stripping out some of the un needed wires from the cab. Haven`t done much here yet. When it is all finished should only see the main motor loom which comes off the motor at the rear on the passengers side and goes through the fire wall to behind glove box, the wires going down to the alternator in the drivers front corner and maybe the ignitors up under the brake booster, haven`t fully decided where these are going to go yet, they might even end up under the dash.

Hoping to have all the wiring finished within 2 weeks (this is only happening on weekends and will only be about 8 to 12hrs all up including cans) so far we have only spent about 4hrs on it.

Still haven`t got my camera back
Anybody know what I will need to make my taco work with the new heart beat? Its just the standard taco in the dash, used to have a 2.8 desiel in it.
Dropped the cab back on today.

Not much room left for a fan, thats a bit of 50mm rhs just to show how little space there is.
Me thinks you will need a thermo on the outside of the radiator

Hope you arent planning on keeping A/C
Yes I am putting ac in it.

If I can`t get it all to fit in the front and stay cool I will put another radiator on the tray, I allready have a second radiator here for it.

If I put one on the tray I will not run a fan in the front at all and will only run 2 thermos on the tray. This way the front radiator will do the cooling when going at highway speeds and the radiator on the tray will do the cooling when going slow. Because the tray rad will go up behind cab it want do much when traveling at highway speeds.

Looking at the room you have in front of the engine I would think am EL fFalcon thermo fan set-up might just sqeeze in.

Unfortunatly my car is still in the paint shop (agter 5 weeks) and won't be back for qnother 2 so Ican't measure mine up for you.

Check out any Ford Taxi and see if it will fit.

As for an air co condenser that IS a big ask.

Looks good. Will you have any diff/sump problems?
Yeah i will try and get some pics up of mine. I've dropped it into a 1990 model 2wd toyota. Motor and box is now mounted. Cause its a bodydropped, air bagged mini truck the motor sticks out the bonnet , but oh well. haha
oil filter setup

[hey all im placing a 1uz in a hilux also but have come unstuck at the oil filter stage, you wouldnt have any ideas cheers whip
Opps I run into a little problem which you will see in the pic. Do I have to run that box thing or can I just throw it?
Thats up to you.
Some ppl say its a muffler to quieten the intake sound.
Some ppl say its to increase the intake volume and thus smoother/more power

Its your call dude.

Let me put it this way, its not required for running the motor.
Sorr forgot something.

When I turned the bottom 180 degrees I then fitted the whole fitting around back to front.

This meant the side that was attached to the t/b now attached to AFM hose. This meant the resonator was the right shape for the cam cover and was then in front of the t/b. The fitting is the same diametre both sides.

Hope that makes sense.
