Newbie + Project + Question

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Chicken Wing

New Member
Hi guys, I know this is my first post, but I've been trawling this forum for ages; anyway, newbie and question never go well together in a post so i'll try to get to the point.

Im going to build myself a LPG injected UZ series engine (which will eventually to go into my is200), and to ensure a good start to the project i need to find an engine.
Well, that parts done, I have the engine, but i'm in Australia, and its in the states. I have a house address i can keep it at, but i'd like to see it on a boat asap.
So, if i distill that for you guys...
How do i get a 3UZ from the U.States to Australia?

Thanks for your help guys, im studying to be a mechanical engineer, and this engine is going a long way to become a final project which is due in a few years time.
I can't exactly say what might be happening i don't know yet, but university has some nice machines to play with, a decent sponsorship budget...and i got nothing but sweet time.

Thanks for your help guys, and kudo's for a great site!

P.S. Justen, lovin' the GT8, is that even a car anymore? :saroll:
3uzfe is about 10 times more then 1uzfe. Shipping will be around $500-600. Perhaps you should look locally for a good 1uzfe and perhaps change out the pistons from 10:1 compression to 11.5:1 and coat the pistons for LPG application. You will find the 1uzfe be alot easier to work with. Plenty of misc parts.
CW, I am not sure if you are familiar with Brad Bedell's IS300 Sportcross with VVTi 1UZ swap. If not there is excellent and extensive information for your project.

Hey guys, thanks for the reply's, yup J.B i know Brads IS about as well as i can over the internet. Very well executed, theres also Mos, from toymods...he lives really close as it were:

Hey Lex, don't worry I thought long and hard, and thought some more and even with the smaller ISS, and crappier rods (yes i've read all of your articles) i've have decided to go with the 3UZ for its better heads, slightly larger displacement, VVT-i (which i will get working) and the piece of mind that im not putting an engine in thats 6 times the age of the car. (late 2005)

Remember this isn't a short term power quest, in a couple of years im hoping to have something presentable to a decent engineering firm, both for a final project and hopefully a job.
So watch what you suggest! I'm documenting most of it :P

Thanks spf!

Haha, XR8, the 2jz has come into my mind so many times when choosing the swap. But its just a little too heavy, and a little too long, and well, I don't think i could show off alot of what I can do, because with a 2J, its probably been done before.

Anyway, i think this is all beside the point. I already have the engine...

I just need to get it home. Lex, I know you've done it before, how should I go about it?

Thanks for all your help guys!
