Chicken Wing
New Member
Hi guys, I know this is my first post, but I've been trawling this forum for ages; anyway, newbie and question never go well together in a post so i'll try to get to the point.
Im going to build myself a LPG injected UZ series engine (which will eventually to go into my is200), and to ensure a good start to the project i need to find an engine.
Well, that parts done, I have the engine, but i'm in Australia, and its in the states. I have a house address i can keep it at, but i'd like to see it on a boat asap.
So, if i distill that for you guys...
How do i get a 3UZ from the U.States to Australia?
Thanks for your help guys, im studying to be a mechanical engineer, and this engine is going a long way to become a final project which is due in a few years time.
I can't exactly say what might be happening i don't know yet, but university has some nice machines to play with, a decent sponsorship budget...and i got nothing but sweet time.
Thanks for your help guys, and kudo's for a great site!
P.S. Justen, lovin' the GT8, is that even a car anymore? :saroll:
Im going to build myself a LPG injected UZ series engine (which will eventually to go into my is200), and to ensure a good start to the project i need to find an engine.
Well, that parts done, I have the engine, but i'm in Australia, and its in the states. I have a house address i can keep it at, but i'd like to see it on a boat asap.
So, if i distill that for you guys...
How do i get a 3UZ from the U.States to Australia?
Thanks for your help guys, im studying to be a mechanical engineer, and this engine is going a long way to become a final project which is due in a few years time.
I can't exactly say what might be happening i don't know yet, but university has some nice machines to play with, a decent sponsorship budget...and i got nothing but sweet time.
Thanks for your help guys, and kudo's for a great site!
P.S. Justen, lovin' the GT8, is that even a car anymore? :saroll: