idle problem for sc400

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
THis started to happen after I cleaned my engine. At first the car would idle at about 1500rpm then slowly start to settle, figuered I let the car sit to make sure no moisture was causing the problem. After a few days, the car ran fine for about ten minutes, then all of a sudden it dies when I came to a stop. Now the car won't start unless I press the peddle a little bit and control the idle with the peddle. The car does run when at speed, just dies when at idle or wont start without my help. Seems like the ISCV is not working but I don't got a check engine light coming on. Before I go tickering, I want to make sure with any advice to see what my problem could be. Also want to make sure the ISCV is located at the fron of the intake manifold.
Does your car drive? If it does, how does it drive. Does it feel slugish? I had a similar insistant few weeks ago. I washed my engine with GUNK and water. After a while the car would idle very rough and acceleration is like an old lady trying to run. I did more checking and consulted with my buddy JamesN and we decided to change the ignitor (the one on top near the ISC). The problem solved. The water got into the ignitor and shorted out. Changing it solve the problem.
