Thanks guys.
I've been sneaking off to the garage for an hour or 2 every night once everyone else is asleep. I'm a zombie at work, but I'm making progress.
I ordered a few parts earlier this week, and last night was just some test fitting.
First, a couple weeks ago, I ordered a big batch of parts from Rockauto for all my cars, in that, I ordered a new tcase/transmission mount for the T100, as my case didn't come with one. RockAuto had one listed for 4WD (#EM2410), but when it got here, it was clearly NOT for 4WD. They were quick to give a refund (sounds like I don't even have to send it back), but the correct one is more expensive.
Got the correct mount and was able to check a couple things. First, the T100 4WD mount has the same bolt pattern at the crossmember as the older stuff (my crossmember is for a 22RE/W56/RF1A). Looks like I'll probably have to move it back about 3".
Got my serp belt. #4060615 or 6PK1560. You can see the marks on the tensioner, it's on the low side, so a hair shorter might be better, but I think it should be OK.

20200519_220413 by
Numbchux, on Flickr
I also bought a power steering pressure hose. This is for an '88-'89 V6 4Runner, there's a different part number for a '90-'95 without ABS that looks like it should work, but this one was a bit cheaper. This is #91680

20200519_220610 by
Numbchux, on Flickr
There's a tab on the banjo end to keep it from rotating on the pump when you tighten the bolt, I had to bend this out a bit to fit well on my LS400 pump, but that's it.

20200519_220626 by
Numbchux, on Flickr
I will make a mount of some sort to support the hardline on the RH side of the truck. It runs right along the back side of my radiator.
I didn't take a picture, but I bought a cheap single-pass cooler that I will mount behind the bumper, and have the PS return line go through it.