So the saga continues...
the 1uz swap has been a wonderful learning curve for me . ive learned so much about wiring through this build. So far i have got all the Ecu codes engine side off of my vehicle thru using the factory diagrams alldata, mitchell, and many helpful comments through this great website, but i have yet to find the answer for the automatic transmission codes . I am running a w58 swap and have a speedo cable not a speed sensor . my electronics are all from a 1995 ls400. what im trying to find out is how do i trick my solenoids into thinking they are functioning . i can clear the codes , and it never flags a light untill next drive cycle .
any help would be much appreciated
Shift Solenoid A/B (No.1 and No.2)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 10 - 16 Ohms
Shift Solenoid E (SLU)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 7.5 - 8.5 Ohms
Linear Solenoid for Accumulator Pressure Control (SLN)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 7.5 - 8.5 Ohms

the 1uz swap has been a wonderful learning curve for me . ive learned so much about wiring through this build. So far i have got all the Ecu codes engine side off of my vehicle thru using the factory diagrams alldata, mitchell, and many helpful comments through this great website, but i have yet to find the answer for the automatic transmission codes . I am running a w58 swap and have a speedo cable not a speed sensor . my electronics are all from a 1995 ls400. what im trying to find out is how do i trick my solenoids into thinking they are functioning . i can clear the codes , and it never flags a light untill next drive cycle .
any help would be much appreciated
Shift Solenoid A/B (No.1 and No.2)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 10 - 16 Ohms
Shift Solenoid E (SLU)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 7.5 - 8.5 Ohms
Linear Solenoid for Accumulator Pressure Control (SLN)
Resistance At 20°C (68°F) .................... 7.5 - 8.5 Ohms