1UZFE Powered Airplane

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
here is just a quick picture from the front!!as you can see the engine is back to front and we drive from the flywheel side!!there are no pullies installed yet in this pic but later pics will be complete!!
hope this is ok for you so long!!
the caa inspection was for ntc approval and wing loading tests!!
hope you can see the picture now of engine
hi all,
i will be comming to oshkosh airshow this year!!yes all the way from south africa!!if any body is keen to meet me there it will be great,and i ahve alot of info to share with you on 1uz in a aircraft!!the pros and cons of it!!
feel free to let me know!!as i am also looking for a repesentative in the usa for the aircraft!!
thanks again and you guys soon!!
best regrads
Micsa,Hi..See you live in Benoni..Im in Rynfield,Benoni and would love to hook up and see your project.Is it at all possible?
Where do you hangar her?Brakpan?
hi kriss,
sorry for the late reply,but just came back from the usa!!!
the aircraft is at springs airfeild!!
let me know if you want to see her and go for a flight?
eaa oshkosh was awesome!!!
hi all we are bussy with video and some sound!!because it sounds awesome and looks great!!just keep a eye out!!soon!!
thanks for all the questions!!
the micsa team
Wow that's absolutely amazing. I just recently got my pilots license and I'm working on my instrument rating right now. how much hp are you making out of this? is it a high performance? Right now I'm flying Piper Warrior III all glass. I love it. I would love to see some video on it.
hi canman44,
sorry for late reply and info,we have just been testing the new version of the plane and it is awesome!!were are using the lexus engine and it is standard and it produces 250hp at 5500rpm!!we are cruising at 160 ias knots.in the new year lextreme will be the first to show the new product and video of the long waited aircraft,the first from the poduction line!!

we thanks you all for your question and help!!
happy holidays to all!!
best regards,

the micsa team
Great Gooding Micsa and than you for purchasing parts from us. What a great customer. Keepthe planes flying and we love to see these only Lexus powered planes.
Hi all,
here is the picture of the long waited secound pacemaker flying with the lexus 1uzfe engine and the radiator is now in the cowling!!
what a bullet and flys like a dream!!
the picture was taken from the first pacemaker witch also has a 1uzfe and a bottom radiator as you all have seen on the pictures i have posted!!
all is going great and now bussy with number three!!!

all the best,
team micsa


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hi all,
just need some help please!!!just on one thing!!!yes the engine!!
i need some more info on the shims and valve clearences please!!!
so that i can get the thired plane done!!
team micsa
Tell us more about the performance please.

I think here in the States the Trace V-8 has FAA certification.
It is $150,000 + for cost however.
