1UZFE Powered Airplane

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
the price range from $35000 for a kit and from $80000 to 150000 for a flying machine!!

the micsa team
For those new to aviation:The engine's max power and RPM is utilized at the beginning of the flight cycle. This is held constant until climb rate or altitude is established. At this point RPM/Power is reduced to 60-80% and held for hours. Upon landing throttle demand is reduced unless a touch & go or something requires delaying a landing. This places the flight back into climb mode; max throttle and climb to achieve traffic pattern altitude again.

Thankfully, Toyota has manufactured a quality engine and people, like ones found here, have made it even better by countless hours developing superior aftermarket parts, for this superior engine.

This engine has a task more in line with a tractor engine, rather than a fast revving engine found in a car.

Toyota built up a Lexus engine known as “the turbine killer”. Here is a link with a similar picture. I am not sure that this is the same engine, but it’s close. Scroll half way down the page for the info. Standard carb and standard ignition generation is magneto. Aviation has not had a renaissance like automotive industry. That’s why the experimental market is exploding.
http://www.prime-mover.org/Engines/GArticles/article2.html The twin turbo config is placed aft of the engine which changes the W&B configuration by extending the arm. This is what I would like to put in my plane.

Here are some pics and problems with other V8s in use you may find useful:

Twin Comander- http://www.epi-eng.com/CNV-ac685.htm

Roterway- http://www.epi-eng.com/RW-EngineProbs.htm

Airtractor- http://www.sae.org/aeromag/techupdate_9-00/25.htm

Toyota- http://www.flug-revue.rotor.com/FRheft/FRH9703/FR9703l.htm

Toyota Aircraft Engine Patents- http://appft1.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html Type "aircraft engines" in the search box an search all fields

"1996 Two year proof-of-concept engineering installation program with Toyota. Installed a four litre V8 Lexus automobile engine in a Piper Malibu/Mirage. RAM 200 hour flight testing program proved the installation and performance expectations valid." - unknown

baised on that article it looks like the Orenda is the turbine killer not the Toyota. also looks like that is a pic of an Orenda not a Toyota.
hi jake breyck,
thanks for the interst,can you please send me the sort cut to the site so i can also see the orenda!!or what is the the orenda??thanks,and then i can reply!!

Thanks for the reply. I am based in Messina. I am contemplating a Lexus V8 engine for a RV-8. 250 t/o hp sounds excellent. Is that at 5500 rpm? How much does the engine weigh dry? (no fluids or redrive)

cool!!just put the lexus engine in the rv!!!i have a total weight of 220kgs and thats excluding the prop!!i will get some more info for you and the dry weight because i am bussy putting another lexus in a aircraft now and the engine is out and i can get the info you need!!i have the castings for the drive system aswel!!and i have the ecu for the engine aswel!!just let me know what you need!!and then i can fly up to you and show you the plan and lexus motor installation!!i won first prise last your at wonderboom airshow for the best auto convertion!!

I have not ordered the RV-8 yet, so my installation is a while away. I spoke to you at the Wonderboom EAA show in 2005, when you had an Audi 5 cyl. in the plane. I would love to see the Lexus installation, so if you have nothing to do one Sunday, give me a shout. I have a 700m by 30m strip on the farm, or you can fly up to Messina and land on the town strip. I also have a hanger there.

Thanks for the reply and regards,

great to see you remember the audi engine!!just not enough power!!V8 rules!!yes it will be great to come and see you up there!i will fly to the town air strip!!lets see if i can make it next weekend!!how much are you going to pay for the rv??i have two guys that bought my plan,and thay sold there rv's for the pacemaker!!i will get your phone number next time round!!enjoy the long weekend!!best regrads
How much for the RV? As much as Van's and the government wants! (LOL) I see you are going to try and convince me to buy a Pacemaker. It is not going to work!! The RV-8 is a plane I would really really like to have. If you have a dedicated redrive for the Lexus developed and for sale, I would be interested. Also in the Gotech module.

Check the weather reports closely before coming up. We have had really funny weather patterns lately, with lots of rain. I wouldn't like you to get bogged down in Polokwane for the weekend!

E-mail me at erik at xsinet stop co stop za for my tel.no. (do the needed changes to the address)


great then!!but i can take you for a flight at least!!just to fell the power of the lexus!!i do have the redrive for the v8,all casted in high temp alu and i also have the gotech ecu!!i will contact you asap to find out were to go and the weather report!!

Can you post a photo of your redrive? Either here or send it to my private mail. "Cast" would indicate a geared drive, then? I prefer them to belt drives, anyway.


sure will post picture here and will do it this week for you!!asap!!
and it is a belt drive 2:1 reduction!
thanks jean
Thanks, Jean. I suppose I could live with another belt drive. I have a C172 with a 262 ci V6 Chev in it, with a North-West Aero belt drive ......:>)

sorry erik,
just had caa hear for the last week,and has been realy busy!!just one more day please!!!!thanks
