While there is much more to do on the car before it's finished, I am nearing the point where it's ready for dyno tuning. One of the main concerns I had was the cooling system. The current setup is:
- Chasebays Radiator with dual pass core
22" x 17" x 3” (W/H/D)
- 20AN fittings with 1.25” hoses
- 16” 2200 CFM Thermofan
The system (including engine & heater) holds about 8 litres of coolant and the fan moves a serious amount of air. This is one area I didn't want to skimp on.
Due to the Chasebays radiator being lower than the top water outlet, I had the thermostat housing modified, with a filler welded on where the bleed plug used to be. This was OK, but the top hose always seemed to hold air, no matter how I purged the system.
Temp-wise, the engine would normally cycle between 91 and 87 degrees with the cooling fan - but after some “enthusiastic” test driving on hot days, the temp would increase 95-100 for a few minutes before coming down. On switch off, there was always a gurgling sound. I needed to get the air out of the top hose, and I wasn't 100% confident it would stay cool during punishment on the dyno.
The Chasebays radiator also came with a filler neck that I hadn’t used (it was still too low), but it's now come in handy. I had a spare front waterbridge (early LS400) and the outlet has now been cut off, with the filler welded on. A standard thermostat housing has been re-fitted (would look a bit silly with 2x radiator caps).
The LS waterbridge has 2x additional fittings that the Soarer doesn’t. Now, 2 are welded up, with the temp sensor in place and the remaining 16mm fitting makes good as an inlet from the turbo.
With the new parts fitted and the system bled, N.O.T temps are stable no more gurgling. It takes a fair bit more punishment for the temps to get past 95 (its about 30 degrees in Sydney today) but it cools down just fine. I'm confident it will take the heat now... but the dyno will be the ultimate test.