This will make your blood boil

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


Perth WA
I now work for a hire company that supplies light vehicles and plant to the mining industry here in Perth so as a result I now work away a fair bit.

Well last week while I was away there was an issue with my wifes 1992 2.4TD Surf, For those of you that don't know us I had a business specializing in repair and service of Toyota 4wds and putting our beloved 1UZs in them. Now the wifes ride was left pretty much stock while I drive the V8 jobbie. Well not very often now as I have a work vehicle.

So as the boss had wanted the work van for the weekend I was sent south and given the wife can only drive an auto we took hers down to work and picked up the van. Back home no prob, even filled the Surf up with diesel for her. Head off south on tuesday morn and no problem.

Next morning the wife phones "The car won't start", "What's it doing?","Clicking when I turn the key", "Get the jumper pack out and give it a boost". No problem until half an hour later "It's really slow and stuck in 4wd", "WTF is it doing in 4wd?", "I don't know but Alex says that it needs oil so I topped it up and now it won't go". So the instruction was given in no uncertain terms to park the thing up and I'd deal with it when I got back from this trip. Well get back and the weather was utter crap so a quick check of the oil and the wife had managed to fill the thing up to the top and by that I mean top... She'd put an entire 20 litre drum of oil in. Much cursing and swearing later "I'll deal with this when the weather clears a bit" as it was stuck in the driveway.

Well the next day the weather clears so home to drain the excess oil out and see what happens. Under the Surf and "Where the hell did all of this mud come from?" I mean it looked like some of the coal miner Landcruisers that I work on where you spend most of a day trying to find the 'cruiser under the mud that is attached to it. This is where the plot thickened as my wife does not know how to put the thing in 4wd and does not like the 4wd trips. This thing is for you guys in the US a "Soccer moms car" and for those in NZ a "Ponsonby Taxi". So into the house and go right off at the wife as it is her car. All the while while I was going right off my chops the 16yo daughter seemed to be going somewhat pale, then asked what my problem was. Well lo and behold wrong day to come home with extra scrap metal in your face so it was "get that sh!t out of your face or get the f@ck out of my house". And boy did she drop herself in the sh!t with that.

After the daughter left the house for some reason I went into her room and found the same mud all over it that is under and inside my wifes now dead car all over her bed, clothing and shoes. Hit the girl up to get a whole lot of lies. I'm sorry but you knicked a car off of the wrong peeps. your dad is a specialist 4wd mechanic and your stepmum is a Criminologist. You just shat in the wrong nest. While the car still looks the same they have done in retail repair cost $12500AUD damage. She has 3 days left to "Fess up" before the cops get involved "Their instructions" and she can and probably will go to prison over this.

To Say that I'm gutted is an understatement
I feel some of your pain. Don't know what it is with teens (and especially teen girls) to pull stunts like that, but it seems to be more & more common.

When he was 16 our younger son decided to take my black Supra out joyriding, while I was over in North Africa and his mom was out shopping, but she caught him (engine was still warm when she got home). Three weeks later when I get home, the car needs a new tranny and torque converter. Not the magnitude of your disaster, but then raising boys generally isn't nearly as traumatic as raising girls either (we raised 2 boys & 3 girls and thankfully, they're all adults now with their own child raising problems).

It took the son nearly two years of part time work to pay off the damage he did to the Supra. Maybe that's an alternative for your daughter? With any luck a nearly full time job to pay off that damage ought to keep her out of trouble 'till she's 21. ;)
You would let your daughter go to gaol over a car? You may want to rethink that. Gaol doesn't rehabilitate and is a seriously risky option to "teach her a lesson"?
I work in the mining town and live in Perth which is a fairly normal city aside from the fact that no sucker seems to be able to drive flies into a filthy toilet here, hence why me and the wife drive 4wds. And it's pretty damn obvious where this 4wd did go as it has never been off road with one exception in our ownership when I took it so the wife could have a go (but didn't) and as a bog stock standard 2.4TD Auto Surf (4runner) proved to be a very capable little truck and that was over a year ago.
