World cup

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but you take Ball Sack so good ;) admittedly they are larger than a kiwi normally get to see so no wonder you struggle :)

where's that SA guy gone, not to mention some pommies?.....lets get a bit multinational with the pre cup sledging eh? :)
Still early days and a few teams yet to find their form I feel. I do think that we can wave goodbye to the Yanks though. Maybe there is not enough padding for them to play with the big boys...... although they are leading the yellow card tally at the moment. Maybe they just don't understand the rules.........

I would love to be with my two brothers in Cardiff this weekend, I would think that the singing has already started.

The Aussie's had to give you a win in the cricket so you don't feel so bad when you get spanked by England on the weekend.
I didn't know us Yanks even had a Cricket team competing in the World cup of Cricket...Infact, what is cricket? It looks to me like you run around with a ball using a stick and a net to pass the ball to some mates, and then you try and throw the ball in past a goal tender and into the net... Is that right? No we don't know the rules..

We have Cricket in college sports here in the States I think, but we don't even really consider this a real sport...Heck, we are really just starting to come around to soccer/football right now... USA is all about Basketball, American Football, Tennis, and of course Baseball...

I will tell you guys once us Yanks start really stepping it up in soccer/football we will probably win the World Cup...I forsee this within the next couple of cup events... We just started a soccer League and are really just babies in that sport...


Cricket is the one where they throw a ball at three sticks. I think you were describing field hockey which started as an American Indian game. Neither can compare to hitting a little white ball 400 yards to put it in a hole you can not see from that distance and getting paid 10 mill $ to do it the best.
Rugby on the other hand is brutal. Bumper sticker a few years ago, "Give blood, play Rugby". Ever wonder about why some players tape their ears down? I think it is to keep them on their heads and not get them torn off. .
Rugby is brutal sport and we practice that sport at the college levels here in the States...A true mans sport to say the least...

Sounds like golf or bowling the way you discribed Cricket Andrew...Anyway, if it's a fun sport to play then I say play and play it hard... It's all good....
Well, how the mighty have fallen, bitch slapped by the Zimbabweans at cricket!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL 20/20 barely rates as cricket.....more like what you play at a BBQ :) No doubt they'll come good though there is only one way to go from, the top so eventually they will have to fall ;)

Hanging out for the Wallabies/Welsh Sat night...the home ground advantage will actually make it worth watching :)
Better watch out for those Zimbabweans, I think Mugabe may have offered them free farms and some food if they beat the colonial pigs!!!
I think England must have played their stunt doubles, the first team in world cup history to not score a point. Ahhh first again.

Have you seen the size of those Tongan's? I would hide behind them as well.

Australia played well if not a bit dirty against Wales, 2 yellows and two send offs. Stirling Mortlock managed to do his best steam train impesonation scoring a try with two Welsh players hanging off him like rag dolls. I think he may be out now with that crunched shoulder.

My Mother is Welsh I grew up in England and have lived in Australia for 17 years, and with relations living in Canada and Portugal it makes for interesting times.

I just love the game, and reminds me of the days when I used to play in the beer swilling local comps back in England. No time out if you were bleeding in those days.

The winners will be word Rugby again at the end of the day each time the show gets better and better.

Oh and Australia will take the trophy home.
