World Cup Champion!!! Italy won it.

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I understand everyone has his/her own opinion, and I totally respect that. However, please keep this thread about the soccer thing so that all of us may still enjoy our World Soccer emotion, but not about political emotion. We all have experienced losses and gains in our lives so that's pretty normal to experience either one. But I really appreciate for all of your inputs in my thread. I was afraid that my thread wouldn't be replied.

Your Fifa link is helpful. The article is very detailed and directly to what we all want to know. Man! You haven't given me the exact date for our fishing picinic trip. :thinking:
i believe it was America that said "Australia is only in the world cup to make up numbers."

if that isn;t the most arrogant statement i've ever heard, then show me something better.

at least we made it to the prelims in the world cup, with a fifteenth of the total population and a twentieth of the budget.

that's what happens when you send your criminals to a deserted island - it ends up survival of the fittest for 200 years and all of a sudden we're smarter and faster.

america dominates the olympics for one reason - budget. china always comes second with less than a third of what the USA spends - and they're second on the list $$$ wise. i'd like to see how america does with china's budget - you could hope at best for a top 10.

where is america in cricket? the rest of the world plays it - even africa and bangladesh.

why does the "world series" of baseball not include the "world"?

and armour for football? have a look at rugby. or AFL. then show me "your" football without armour and 100lbs of KFC under those jerseys.

start comparing apples with apples and all of a sudden the good ol' US of A comes up rather short.

so maybe you vocal "patriots" should remember that before you fire the keyboard up.

Australia lost to the Italy, the World Cup winners and so did every other team that played Italy. That doesn;t mean Australia is a crap team, it means Italy is better.

And why shouldn't they be? They invented the sport.
AH HA an American hater - See I told you so....Pro, lighten up were not all that bad and arrogant, I am sure a few spew at the mouth more then they should but not the majority - You da man and all on this forum but who said "Austraiia is in the world cup only to make up numbers"? I know this American didn't say that...Infact I was really rooting for you Aussie's to win big time...I happen to like you guys for some crazy reason...

Anyway, I will not respond in length with the comments you just wrote above, but budgets and money spent has nothing to do with the athelete and his or her physical abilities, determination and dedication to their chosen sport.. That is what makes a person an amazing athelete... If any thing maybe us Americans use better steriods or something to that affect, now that I can understand you saying... Come on Aaron do you really believe what you just said?

Anyway, Steve sorry to de-rail your thread, it is a good one.....I will stop here... Again I am very happy for the Champs.....Infact my mothers relatives called her this morning from Napoli, Italy and said they are still celebrating and going nuts in some parts of Italy...Italians are a fun bunch of people... The nation is excited to say the least...
budget has everything to do with an olympic win, jibbby. when you can saturate a competition with 4 of your best players vs one of everyone elses - you're guaranteed a medal.

and yes, i do believe everything i say.

and no, i'm not an american hater, but to explain what i really am, it would de-rail this thread even further.

so yeah - i'm bummed about italy's dive. it's stupid theatrics like that that makes me cringe when i watch BBC sport or the like. drawing attention to being fouled is one thing, but to just stop your feet moving because someone MAY have been in your way, then cry foul, is just plain wrong.

i guess the win will help them sleep better at night.
now i see what your saying (saturatoin), but that still doesnt have any bearing on the fact that if an american wins, he was the best. Same goes for china or anyone else. Dont say that he won because of any other reason than of his hard work, talent, and determination.

Yeah, acting unfortunately is a part of soccer, even the president of FIFA said he used to do it when he played. I guess every sport has some ugly aspect to it.


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its not that people hate us americans its just that they hate the things we say we're so arrogant. we talk big talk but do we ever really back it up? Landon Donovan "we can beat any team any given day" then you lose your opener to the czech republic, granted the czechs were one of the best teams in the cup. OUR american team was talking smack before the cup and we never showed. That act just gives into the sterotyping of americans, it give people another reason to hate americans. We tend to insult other countries for waht they do wrong but if you open your eyes there are a lot of things wrong here at home too.
oh yeah materazzi already admited to insulting zidane
He says that he didnt say anything about zidane being a terrorist, but i dont believe that. Zidane's own brother said that Materazzi said something along those lines. Materazzi also said that he didnt say anything about Zidane's mom. So what Zidane got pissed about something small....yeah i dont think so
i love my supra too, and fairplay!

here a pic of the game germany vs. portugal, and i was in :smileysex

p.s. zidane is a fine guy......but if somebody names me a terrorist and my mother/sister a bitch......i would knock him out too!
Not when it is the World Cup at stake...You must keep your cool and then beat him down after the game if you can find him......An entire country expects better from you...Being a professional and the star player he should have known better...Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you.... If any thing he should fight fire with fire if he cannot restrain himself and replly verbally with a bad wife comment or something even worse like a daughter comment if he was that offended....Better yet just ignore, and play your game harder with effective aggresion......Buit you do not head butt the opposing player in fromt of the judges on the playing field....You don't single yourself out and effect the game and all the other players whom are giving it their all...In my opinion Zidane screwed up big time...and I was rooting for Italy too...

I think Zidane lost his cool at the highest stage..THE WORLD CUP CHAMPIONSHIP...
