World Cup Champion!!! Italy won it.

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I really feel sorry for the French today. They could have gotten better opportunity to win the Champion over the Italian if one of the Italian didn't play dirty to Zidane. The Italian (I forgot his name) pulled Zidane back, more like a foul play, and pissed-off Zidane. Zidane then got mad and hit the other guy's chest with his head. Zidane then got a red card and kicked out. I believe this is one of the Italian's strategy to provoke Zidane's madness. Everyone knows Zidane is really good at penalty kick. If he's still in the game, the result might have been different.
please dont remind me of hte lost lol. les bleus played good but the italians played rought the whole game. i dont think zidane got mad about being pulled back. in soccer that stuff happens all the time. like i play soccer and that kind of stuff happens all the time. im guessing that Marco Materazzi(the italian) said something to zizou(zidane) about his arabic ancestry. The reason i think that is because well in europe its still super racist and many people including french office holders have said racist remarks about zidane, henry, cisse, and other french stars of color
Personally i was rooting for Italy, i thought the game was a very good one and both teams were fighting equally to win the cup. I think zidane had had enough by that point when he did his AWSOME headbutt, i mean he kocked the guy clean off his feet! it was amazing. But i think he was getting pissed way before that happened, he kept getting fouled and reff was never calling it, and he never looked happy when it happened, hed look at the reff like wtf when he was clearly fouled. i guess he had had enough. But as far as the french team not being french, well more than half their team isnt french. i also think the germans played very well for 3rd place.


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I still give props to the italian because they won but the french deserved to win the cup no matter what. they dominated the ball, playing like the did back in '98. they kept the ball for most of the game and the italians barely had an offense going. I'm a hardcore french fan, i didnt jump on the band wagon. i wanted zidane and vierra to get another cup under their belts. the french went through a lot this cup. Everyone doubted teh french going into the cup, cisse got hurt before the cup(cisse is an all star), and it was risky for Domenech to bring back and start all the older players from the 98 cup. thats just my 2cents
My Mother is from Italy so that makes me 1/2 Italian...With that being said way to go Italy!!!!!!


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Dude Got Kick Out Of The Game Cause He Could Not Stand The Smack Talk I Mean If Your The Best Of The French So To Say Dont You Think You Would Act More Like A Leader, Glad To See Someone Like That Get Kicked Out, Neather Side Needs To Have Things Done Like That, And He Is A Senior At This Game Shame Shame, Well Over All Both Teams Played There Heart Out And It Was Nice To See The Real Players Get Along After All That
yeah but you have to understand that Materazzi is known as a racist. After 110 minutes of having racist things said to you about being arabic. how many americans flip out after a racist thing is said once?
I Guess, But Your Still Representing A Country For The Whole World To See, But Americans Have Footballs Players That Have Felonies So It Doesent Really Matter Not Like Any One Will
I'm a fan of Zidane and the French team and really wanted to see them win, but what he did was inexcusable. Years ago a Scottish football player did that and was jailed for three months. However, I've lived and worked with Arabs for the last 15 years and can appreciate what happened and why. Turning the other cheek if/when someone insults their culture, religion, or family is not their strong suit. It would be interesting to know what was actually said.

sc400rayray, the fact that our American sports are populated with thugs and rapists doesn't make it right, nor should it make them the multi-millionaire hero figures that they are. The fact that we condone this behavior in our "professional" athletes, and even award them more a celebrity status because of it, just further illustrates what a sad state of affairs our "professional" sports are in (not to mention the people who support them).
jibbby said:
My Mother is from Italy so that makes me 1/2 Italian...With that being said way to go Italy!!!!!!
I got another close friend who's 1/2 Italian like you. What a coincident! I'm positive he chose the Italian team like you. :3some:

I didn't bet on the game because it's not my thing. But I like the way the French played. They attacked most of the times (exciting) while the Italians put more effort into defense (boring). Well, the Italian teams were known for good defense tactics for many years. I didn't follow Zidane from previous matches so I didn't know he had a history of fouling. If Mazarreti (forgive me if I didn't spell his name correctly) didn't put up the racist saying, then the fault would be at Zidane. However, Zidane shouldn't have been kicked out if he didn't start the trouble. As you all know, when your dignity is violated, it's hard to keep it down.

I don't know about other U.S. states, but I've seen on TV that people in Massachusett are more crazy about soccer than us in California. They went out on the street to watch the game. It's the first time that I've seen the Americans really pay attention to soccer. And it's time that the Americans should invest more effort and money into this sport. It would be a great feeling if the Americans are in the final game, maybe 1st place???

I'm still missing of Pele from Brazil "The King of Soccer". I've watched many of his kicks, no one could ever kick like that. He looked too old this morning.
Being in Australia it hurts to know that they only went forward due to being awarded a very suss penalty in the last two minutes against Australia !!

If they had a third umpire [ IE: reviewing the decision immediatly on a screen then it would not have been givin . ]
Football is one of the last sports to bring the third ump in , it's well overdue !!
They need to do something about the Hollywood carry on also , it's become a joke .
Hey, That's a hell of a way for the star player to retire, go out with a head butt..:banghead: ..I kinda like it even though it was totally retarted and probably that single action is responsible for leaving an entire country in mourning......Gotta love those crazy French -----Viva la France!!!!:headbang:
if i were zidane i would have swung instead of headbutting the guy. but then again im sure a headbutt is less of a fine than swinging at someone
cribbj said:
I'm a fan of Zidane and the French team and really wanted to see them win, but what he did was inexcusable. Years ago a Scottish football player did that and was jailed for three months. However, I've lived and worked with Arabs for the last 15 years and can appreciate what happened and why. Turning the other cheek if/when someone insults their culture, religion, or family is not their strong suit. It would be interesting to know what was actually said.

sc400rayray, the fact that our American sports are populated with thugs and rapists doesn't make it right, nor should it make them the multi-millionaire hero figures that they are. The fact that we condone this behavior in our "professional" athletes, and even award them more a celebrity status because of it, just further illustrates what a sad state of affairs our "professional" sports are in (not to mention the people who support them).

i think your 100% right about american not caring about what happens as long as the job get done in sports, but we are a money hungry country and that why things are done that way... we should put that money to a fund, like if you mess up that money that get fined should go to... i dont know the people mabey, but iam gettting off track.. yeah good soccer game
The next person who down talks us Americans is going to get an ear full...We Americans aren't all that bad... Just because we are the big boys on the block, have the best athelets in the world except in Soccer/Football, the best innovators, scientests, and engineers that design, create, and manufacture the best cars (ooops got to give that one to Japan), anyway just because we may have a few fellons playing sports here in the US, etc. Doesn't give you foreigners the right to bash....We are a country of peace...We are a country that comes to the aid of others in need, we are not a concuring country.. Believe it or not there are some many good folk hear in the States...Remember the United States was built on foreigners so you may be bashing your distant relative... Stop downing the good ole US of A...that is all I saying...Please...

I'm a patriot and I take offense to some comments.....Actually I really don't take offense much but the bashing should stop and it is out of line...I have never heard one bad thing being said about another country on this forum in over a year of being an active member, it's always us Americans..

Now you all have a nice day....:usa2:
jibbby said:
The next person who down talks us Americans is going to get an ear full...We Americans aren't all that bad... Just because we are the big boys on the block, have the best athelets in the world except in Soccer/Football, the best innovators, scientests, and engineers that design, create, and manufacture the best cars (ooops got to give that one to Japan), anyway just because we may have a few fellons playing sports here in the US, etc. Doesn't give you foreigners the right to bash....We are a country of peace...We are a country that comes to the aid of others in need, we are not a concuring country.. Believe it or not there are some many good folk hear in the States...Remember the United States was built on foreigners so you may be bashing your distant relative... Stop downing the good ole US of A...that is all I saying...Please...

I'm a patriot and I take offense to some comments.....Actually I really don't take offense much but the bashing should stop and it is out of line...I have never heard one bad thing being said about another country on this forum in over a year of being an active member, it's always us Americans..

Now you all have a nice day....
The United States Of America is the greatest country in the world! We do owe the Frenchy's a great debt of gratitude though. They saved our ass during the Revolutionary war when they came out with there fleet to help us defeat the Brits. That little fact is usually forgotten by us. i like Italy too though, after all they invented pasta and such! It will be nice when we win the cup some day!
ESPN said:
The Paris-based anti-racism advocacy group SOS-Racism issued a statement Monday quoting "several very well informed sources from the world of football" as saying Materazzi called Zidane a "dirty terrorist." It demanded that FIFA, soccer's world governing body, investigate and take any appropriate action
More details right here
jibbby said:
The next person who down talks us Americans is going to get an ear full...We Americans aren't all that bad... Just because we are the big boys on the block, have the best athelets in the world except in Soccer/Football, the best innovators, scientests, and engineers that design, create, and manufacture the best cars (ooops got to give that one to Japan), anyway just because we may have a few fellons playing sports here in the US, etc. Doesn't give you foreigners the right to bash....We are a country of peace...We are a country that comes to the aid of others in need, we are not a concuring country.. Believe it or not there are some many good folk hear in the States...Remember the United States was built on foreigners so you may be bashing your distant relative... Stop downing the good ole US of A...that is all I saying...Please...

I'm a patriot and I take offense to some comments.....Actually I really don't take offense much but the bashing should stop and it is out of line...I have never heard one bad thing being said about another country on this forum in over a year of being an active member, it's always us Americans..

Now you all have a nice day....:usa2:

john john john...

First off, i dont think anyone was insulting america. Second of all, the paragraph you wrote about us having the best of everything is why most of the world doesnt like us, we have a lot of great things come from this country, but not the best of everything. Thats the typical american attitude, we are not better than anyone. And god i can see the comments that come about "we are a country of peace", you just opened a HUGE window. I will not comment on that, even though i would love to, but because its way off topic, i say we stick more on the topic of the game.
Xir my boy, you are politically correct in saying what you just said about my arrogant American comment "we are better"...That was kinda of a retalitory half joking around comment. I need to sincerely appologise for that statement if I offended any people. Just don't appreciate the bad talk...

I do believe all men are created equal and we are all just a product of our own invironment, parental infuences, and heritages, etc.......I must make it clear and say that I do not think Americans are any better people then in other countries, but I will also say we are not any worse either..

I did say Japan was the king of car making, and I did say we come up very short in soccer... However, looking at pro sports in America, there was some truth to what I said as I see the ever evolving American atheletes, and the results of continued dominance in the Summer Olypics, and now being very competitive in winter olympics as well. It is what it is.... Those are facts that are undisputed..Us Americans do got some skillful athelets...That is all I am trying to say...

Xir you do have a point, Americans do come off being arrogant at times to foreigners, that is true especially in Europe...Learned that from my traveling first hand around the world for several years... Like I said above Viva la France, and hooorrraaahhh for Italia...Great feats for both Countries just making it to the World Cup finals......It's all good...Love ya all.......
