Will this ECU work with front sump 1UZ-FE?

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hi guys
I have got a front sump 1UZ-FE (not sure what year) and have been given this ECU to try.. Just trying to get a bit of info on it. The motor is going to be attached to a porsche 924 transaxle (1977 4 speed) and then the car built around the mid engine V8 (not sure about the body type yet) so should be a fun car to drive... any suggestions really appreciated.

Cheers Craig Young[/ATTACH]


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So long as you have the wiring loom to match the sump position means nothing. Given what you're doing why run an OEM ECU aside from cost?
Got it in one..

Hi samsdad
Yeah.. thats why I am thinking about running the OEM ECU... just to keep the costs down..with a 2 year old boy and another on the way.. I will just have to trick it into thinking the auto is still attached.
I know a guy who has done something similar so hopefully it wont be too much of a problem.. thanks for the info about front/rear sump..

Cheers Craig Young
you don't have to trick it to think it has a auto unless it's a 98 or newer engine, and even then some don't need anything. Looks like your ecu is a 1992 model, so it definately won't care if the auto isn't there.
what parts have u got
this will depend on keeping price down

normal complete kit u need
2x ignitors
air flow meter
and oxygen snesors

ignitors change abit between years
air flow meter also changes between years
looms change a shitload prob 8 different looms
main difference is plugs on ecu and plugs on o2s and plugs on auto
and plug on back of manifold that conencts to starter and knocks
and few other things here and there

so if u can get all the electrics and electric parts to suit your ecu then it should work
maybe check the injectors are the same flow rate or u will have issues

also if u dont have the other bits i mentioned then could cost abit more and more than likely from experience cause afew tiny headaches
i normally tell people to sell all parts if they do not match 100% and buy a complete set
unless u dont mind stuffing round as buying a complete kit even thought costly in beginning it can actually be cheaper in the long run alot dont understand how this can be but trust me ive seen it thousands of times
oh i forgot to say yr ecu is from a 92/94 ish celsior
pretty sure they are ucf11
and ucf 20/21 came after that
Hi there Sideshow

oh i forgot to say yr ecu is from a 92/94 ish celsior
pretty sure they are ucf11
and ucf 20/21 came after that

Sideshow mentioned before that ,one don't need to trick anything to start the engine without the auto. He said you only have to snip off the NSW (neutral start) wire so that it won't send signal back to ecu so that the ECU will think that it's in neutral or park.

By the way Sideshow,I'll like to ask you something that's off the main topic.

I heard from somebody called nicolas from kismo.dk on his lamborghini. He said lamborghini didn't supply him with engine wiring diagram and pinouts so he needs to 'Ohm out' each pin to know where they lead to.

my question here is:

1)is it possible to trace the function of each ECU pins just by using this technique called 'Ohm out'?

2)I know Ohm. Is used to measure resistance and continuity but what about 'ohm out'.. how does it help to trace ECU pins?

I know it's a million dollar question here and i will respect your decision of not revealing what you know.

Thanks ..
to ohm out each wire from engine loom sensors is easy and will tell u the pinouts for the sensors

for the powers and triggers and anyhting to do with the dash u can ohm out if u have the rest of the car but most of the time people dont
and unless u have diags its hard to figure them out but if u do enough of them u eventually learn a sequence
for lamborgini i have no idea but i normally find a way to get diagrams and unlike most people who are tight asses on forums i have spent over 5 grand on cds and books and anything to do with wiring diagrams for cars
some jap stuff is like 30 bucks and u still get people wont pay 30 bucks but hey thats what forums r all about being tight and doing stuff yourself heheheheheehehhehe
i should not complain i used to do things myself and stuff them up tooo

jap and usa stuff is easy but i hate working on european stuff
super expensive and complicated fkt if i know what the bosch engineers were on
something very halucinogenic heheheeh
oh i forgot to say yr ecu is from a 92/94 ish celsior
pretty sure they are ucf11
and ucf 20/21 came after that

I agree. Got to love being able to "reverse engineer" the part no..

Comes up with 8/91 UCF11 Celsior w/o TRC and as you say the wiring diagrams are easy to get if you look in the right places

Sideshow: 5 grand is really serious amount of money if it is for spending on Books and Cds. However ,I have no comments on Tightasses around here.
Because I'm also a tight ass too. Not to say i don't have money and won't spend it. I like toyota lexus and the KE70 corolla but i like the American muscle more.I'm saving all i can for a 1969 camaro used body shell and panels then i will put the 1uz into it.

I'm looking for Lamborghini wiring diagrams but non were found. There are some that are for sale but is 400 USD or more. I will be working for them around 5th of May so i'm preparing myself. I hate italian stuffs from the alfaromeos to ferraries. They taught by complicating things up they will be ahead of other auto manufacturers but the fact is their inventions are not practical for use and easy to fail.My dream company is always with Lexus,ford and chevrolette.

Samsdad: Thank You.

I just came back from the internet cafe in the town an joined a forum called lamborghini-talk.

I managed to find a link to a 2003 garlardo pdf of 90 mbs. The link broke halfway and have to download it again tomorrow.

I'm searching for any Lamborghini model service manuals/wiring from 2000 to 2011.The later the better.

I'm guessing that you're going to take part in my search mission but these Lextremers had stolen much valuble time from your sleep and spare time from your eletric buggy remote car just to answer their various questions. I will be more happy that you play with your remote car or to answer some very helpful questions around here.

Thanks again Sideshow..
