Why do old farts buy fancy sportcars?

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I agree with you that "the more work you put in, the luckier you'll get". However, it's not the case all the time. I'm sure that I'm younger than you, I'm only over 30s somehow, but I've experienced life isn't fair for sure. And near the mid 30s, I'm posible about it through what I've learned.

For example, I just helped my friend (he's a doctor) to buy a used 2002 Lexus LX470 for $23,5000. My friend had to consider economically a lot before buying this SUV. However, the seller was a 28 years old guy who has many stuffs given from his dad (a white Arabian who owns a diesel company). The seller has a $2 million house, a new Range Rover, getting bored with the old LX470 and looking to buy a new Nissan Titan. So what's so fair between this seller and my friend? My friend had to go through a lot of hardships (many days without sleeps and with stresses) during his residency for the doctor, and he stills has to think about what to spend?

I'm currently way too stressed-out on my current job, and what do I get? Just getting busy and depressed. I really want to turbocharge my SC but barely get sometimes to look at it. But when I look at the older guys who drive the fancy sport cars, I think, what do they do to deserve this? Some guys just inherite a big fortune, and maybe some guys really put hard work to earn that. But I always think, if they don't drive their cars fast, then that'll be a waste. Fast cars are supposed to be driven fast.
Stevechumo, if you had all the money you wanted then you surely wouldn't be here for us to chat with. More money, more problems, drugs, no friends (or the wrong friends), no life, trying to look better than you are etc etc. Now I know some very wealthy guys that are the best people I'll ever be friends with but they are driving old used cars... every single one of them. And they all put family first and will not spoil any family member, even their own kids. Don't let the odd people get to you like movie stars or kids who have stuff handed to them. They are seriously lacking some fundamentals in most cases. Lots of extremely spoiled kids are severely depressed and are addicts, alcoholics and are confused by people who use them for a good time and bail out on them. I know a couple pro athletes and have talked to them about the subject of money. They really hate the jealousy that it brings out and it seriously rips their families apart. Then there are the people that are trying to look good by maxing their credit resources... I have a few of those and they are STRESSING at the end of every single month to make their payments. You never want to live like that. Try to stay positive man because you'll never get enough of what makes you happy and if you do... you'll be ruined =]
Well they say that money is the root of all Evil..I think the people that have never had money made up that statement...:tongue2:

Seriously, Smitherz I am laughing at your description of the young people with money, you are right in some cases that's for sure....Easy made money or inherited money can ruin people...Just look at the lives of the people that have won the lottery's over the years...It's incredible the percentages of these people that go straight down the toilet..:Flush: ..I think a person really needs to be mature and be responsible to be able to handle easy made wealth...That can be dangerous grounds for most....

Steve, I always said to people if your not happy in your current situation such as work, living conditions, physical health, relationships, then you should consider making a dedicated and consious effort to change it...Be aggressive and don't be afraid of change...Change is good and broadens your horizons in most cases...Being unhappy and staying content in that same bad or unhealthy (mental) situation can take precious years off your life. That keeps you from growing as a person and being generally happy and an upbeat person....I always welcome and embrace change if I am not happy in any situation regardless of what happens, just can't be scared of change... That doesn't mean if your married and unhappy with kids you go out and get divorced, maybe you go seek out marriage counseling or re-define the relationship somehow.....Those are the kind of changes I am talking about...Just throwing out some thoughts to consider.....
Interesting comment on very wealthy people not spoiling their kids.

I agree there are a lot of responsible rich guys out there.

Australia's best example is Gerry Harvey (worth about AUD1.5billion, all self made) and he insists on driving his old LS400 because it does what he wants it to.

His kids are treated like any other kid.

I saw him and his family at our local agricultural show a while back and he was mixing with the crowd and his kids had no more than anyone else's.
Zuff - AUD1.5 billion.....If he is not going to spend it and continues to drive his LS400 that's up to him....

I personally would burn the older LS400 and pick up a brand new Ferrari or Lambo or something....Maybe both...My 10 car garage would be full of exotics....

I also would give a considerable amount of that money to charity as it would be almost impossible to spend it all in my life time....

The main reason I dragged up this old thread is to say, just the other day a grey haired older lad driving a new AMG SL55 converable was driving next to me on the freeway going about 70mph or so...Looked over at me and floored it...The car took off and I said to myself way to go old man:smoker: ...I didn't even try to catch up as I do not possess the ponies to catch starting from that speed... Just thought I would share this.....

Was his hair blowing in the wind?

And di he go back to get it?

On Gerry. He does give substantial amounts to charity.
Good for Gerry....

No Zuffen, his wig did not blow off his head under excelleration.... You see, these rich old folk out here in LA, California, USA have amazing wig glue attachment products that just don't seem to fail in even the most critical of conditions......:yup:
You guys are funny. Anyway, 1 thing that I see more often is those rich old farts aren't really having guts into speed. So let's say if your car only has 80% or 90% of his car power and you really want to do it, you'll have a chance to win. It's not about the cars, but it's about the drivers. There're not a lot of guys who are willing to go 120 mph when the traffice is only 60 mph, or 150 mph when the traffic is only 80 mph....LOL. But since you're used to be covered with grease, dirt, getting bruises, and maxing out all of the car's potential, you're more likely to step it up a notch.
You guys are funny. Anyway, 1 thing that I see more often is those rich old farts aren't really having guts into speed. So let's say if your car only has 80% or 90% of his car power and you really want to do it, you'll have a chance to win. It's not about the cars, but it's about the drivers. There're not a lot of guys who are willing to go 120 mph when the traffice is only 60 mph, or 150 mph when the traffic is only 80 mph....LOL. But since you're used to be covered with grease, dirt, getting bruises, and maxing out all of the car's potential, you're more likely to step it up a notch.

Well Steve, I see what your saying but this old grey haired wig sporting AMG driver did hit the gas as there was open highway ahead...I don't think I would have caught him as those AMG's pull very well at freeway speeds....He hammered it and was gone, trust me...

In conclusion to this thread, getting old sucks, I feel more pains now then I ever felt before in my life, lower back, knees, etc... Beer drinking hangovers aren't as friendly as they use to be, the buzzes aren't as good either as when I was in my 20's.. So, if getting a fancy car when I'm older makes me feel better and younger I would do it in a heart beat....

I think I am now understanding why old farts drive fancy cars....Thank you everyone.... Would someone please find the "fountain of youth" and reverse this aging process crap... These 60 year old actors and actresses I see in the movies and on TV look like they are in their 30's to 40's, they may know something we all do not....Hmmmmm???????
I found the fountain of youth.

With a 1UZ in my Rover it makes me feel 20 years younger to drive it.

Everytime I drive the car it brings a smile to my face.

Oh and a 39 yrear old wife (when you're 54 like me) helps.

"old farts aren't really having guts into speed"

Let's see some of these young pups in an opposite lock drift at 120mph on a road that will bite if you come off, then we will find out who has the "cahonjes"

Agree Zuffen?

They say you are only as old as the woman you feel!

"old farts aren't really having guts into speed"

Let's see some of these young pups in an opposite lock drift at 120mph on a road that will bite if you come off, then we will find out who has the "cahonjes"

Agree Zuffen?

They say you are only as old as the woman you feel!
Well, you might be different from the others, so I'm not saying all of them are the same. And I haven't included you at all, unless you're a rich old...LOL. What I mean is more often....etc. Also, I guess you mean I'm 1 of those young pups, but I'd like to clarify that I'm near the mid 30s. I'm near "the top of the hill", so hopefully I'll still be able to reach up a litther higher before I max out.

Oppositely, I never let a woman feeling old when she's with me. :tapedshut:
Zuffen your only 54....darn I thought you were in your mid 60's... Fifties is still young enough to get it done...

Older people still have gonads they are just shriveled up a bit...It's more an attitude and desire that drives a person to excellerate and race and not a numbered age in my opinion.. I have been around some older race folk even in their sixties that still enjoy a good amount horsepower from time to time.... It's all good....

Curious, why do the older guys marry the much younger girls? Other then her being attractive, and younger to the feel I see no point.... A man in his 60's or 70's dating a woman maybe in her 20's and 30's would have nothing in common...Maybe the man can relate in terms of a daughter figure, but seriously what would they have to talk about? What would you have in common? Music, activities, hobbies, history and upbringings, etc..I don't think so.... Hey but if the Viagra is kicked in I guess it could be a good time for the short term but the long term I think that would drive me crazy.... It's like me (39) dating a 21 year old.... I can teach her many things, but the constant clubing and parting would drive me nuts.. Conversations would be shallow and challenging...... Anyone see my point?

Please don't reply by saying "because we can".........Seriously, does dating a much younger woman really make you feel younger?
Just like I said "young pups":)
What can I say? Alot...

It's not just about the common things that a couple should have. The long lasting relationship is the one that both people could give what each other needs. It's about fulfillng the needs of each other. Common things or even understanding can still lead to a break-up. Satisfaction could be from finance, caring, time, "s.x"...etc, or even trying to relive what we have missed when we're young. A positive image should always be there to feel young.
My wife and I have been married 17 years.

I was just a young 33 when I met Helen.

Amd Jibby. Insult accepted. Mid 60's? Watch it youngfeller. I may come over there and tan you backside!
I could use a tan backside...... My X always said my arse was just way too white anyway....:spankme:

No insult intended Zuffen... Actually, I was pleasantly suprised to hear that you are still in your fifties.... That means you still got it good for a while as you are still about ten years away from your first prostate surgery...Good deal Rod your still a young lad indeed...:baby:

Steve I hear you and don't get me wrong here... I would rob the cradle and date a girl half my age in a second if I thought I could be mentally stimulated over the long haul....Physical stimulation would not be a problem that's for sure....:smokin:
.... That means you still got it good for a while as you are still about ten years away from your first prostate surgery...
While the cause of prostate problems aren't known for sure, either for enlarged prostate gland, cancer, or even infection, the most likely related result is from having too much "s.x" activities. So being young with a younger girl is nice, but watch out. She'll never have enough of what you could give. :censored:
Helen turns 40 tomorrow so from then on she's old!

Must be time to trade her in.

Hang on I can't afford that.
Zuffen, women are not like cars...You just don't trade them in for a younger model when they get old and shabby looking.... Although that does kinda sound cool in theory...:love:

Hope the better half isn't on line reading.... All hell could break loose if she's got a short fuse.....You may find yourself sleeping on sofa tonight if your not careful...:spank:
