Haha, I have a neighbor with a VIP GS, and he needs to be squashed. I have shied away from car clubs etc, figure i will get around to it once I finally finish the project.
A far as intakes go there isn't much option. You can screen it and/or make your own filter to slip in between the t-bolt ans the screen. Or like i did, I took a dremel and trimmed away from my headlight enclosure to the point where I could fit a chop welded 90, attached to a silicone cast 90. Basically I fit a 4" intake that snakes around the blower to completely fill the battery space. There is no direct airflow, but from a particulate standpoint it does the job. I'm in the process of routing ducting to the filter. Running only a screen isn't a bad idea... just make sure you change your oil 2x as often to account for the added dirt. I managed for over a year in a wigh dust/winds climate w/ just a screen. No issues here.
I have the intake at home, I can snap some pics of it in a couple weeks.