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Well Lex, I actually got knocked out in the pre-show qualifing rounds which were not shown on Spike... As I kinda remember I thru a couple of punches and kicks then it all went black and silent in a hurry...I later woke up in the locker room dreaming of lexus auto performance parts, go figure?..

If anyone should be in the octogon kicking arse it's you Lex... You have a legit black belt and should use it choke out Rampage and win the UFC title... I will look for you to be the next UFC champion...

WARNIING - People don't piss off Lex for real.. He is really a legitimate black belt in Tia Kwan Doe (i think I spelled that wrong).. I kid you not with all joking aside..... Lex will sell you an auto part and if you don't pay him he will knock you out...

Upcoming UFC fights -

- So does Forest Griffin stand a chance against Rampage in a couple of weeks? I think it will be a good fight but Forest will get KO'd in the end...

- I also look for Matt Sierra to submit George St. Pierre in the next fight..Call it crazy but I am all about the underdog...
Hey Jibbby,

I taught college Martial Arts for few years and been a martial artist since I was 14 years old. I am not currently active right now due to family but my kids are little older, I would get myself back and start training my kids. Matter of fact my boy (4 years old) does know some grapling moves. I remember few months ago when my boy and his cousin 7 years old. My boy got him in few locks with the legs.

You guys want to see him? Here he is... He can do 3 sets of 10 push ups and situps along with running 1/3 of mile on the treadmill. http://youtube.com/watch?v=kP0S8TTFjk4

That was his third set of push ups. This boy is a real athlete. This is him when he was three years old http://youtube.com/watch?v=3_D8J2XNTiE&feature=related
Classic...Super boy in the house... That's great Lex, the boy has skills.....

A good looking kid too are you sure he's yours? He must have got those good looks from the wife's side... (just kidding Lex your a stud too bro)

Lex, Do you really want your boy to get involved in MMA? In my opinion you really need to have a screw loose in the old head or have rage issues to get in that octagon in my humble opinion.. It could be dangerous profession and you could just get beat up pretty bad even if you have good fighting skills... Look what happen to Rich Franklin, I am shocked he didn't retire after that last beat down..

The next Ultimate fighter show a guy gets knocked out so bad he had to be carried off on stretcher and was taking directly to the Emergency hospital..
MMA fighter? Now way.... I want him to be whatever he wants to be. I am just equiping him in all round development. Mind, Body and Spirit. By the way, good looks is from me. Brain is from Mom and my daugther good look is from Mom and brain is from me.
Look at the NBA, the best coaches of all time were former basketball players...Example - The Los Angeles Lakers dynasty of the eighties are all successful coaches today, I think the NFL is the same.... It think it can go both ways for some players that decide to take up coaching careers, some are crappy and some are good it all depends on the individual.......
Guys, on the next UFC I really like Rich Franklin to take out Travis Lutter... I think Matt Sera should lose, but once a guy beats a guy once there is no fear.. I think Matt will be game even though everyone is writing him off..

Any thoughts on those two fights? I think I am going to bet the house on Rich Franklin to win...
Rich needs to back and teach HS. The last fight he got beat up really bad. Sera attitude is terrible. His ego is bigger then his body right now.
With Sera, Is it ego or supreme confidence? I tend to think if you believe you can concieve, positive thoughts yeild positive results...... Rich Franklin just needs to stay clear of Anderson Silva and he will be fine...

However, I do concure with you lex, and I do appreciate a humble fighter but they usually lose... Anderson Silva is the best semi humble fighter I know, but he still thinks he is the greatest thing from time to time and expresses it in his interviews...... Maybe Dan Henderson is the most humbe MMA fighter that comes to mind, but he is on a losing streak...
Are you referring to the WWE wrestling ogre Brock Lesner vs. Frank Mir fight?

Yeah, I saw it as Brock Lesner was very much abusing Frank Mir thru the first round with standup punches, but then it went to the ground and Frank grabbed a leg and it was over. The lock was not even that tight... Brock Lesner tapped so fast it wasn't even funny... It happen so fast I don't think Brock had a chance to even feel pain. I don't like him as I think he is just a big p*ssy. I think he has no will power and is probably in it for the money and not at all for the sport in my opinion.... He is also terrified to get injured as it appears to me on that tap out... Lex you didn't miss much on that fight..

You should start a site about MMA. I found one domain available but dont have time to do it. I looked at fights.ma is available.
Is there profit in that Lex? No profit no go... Besides, I know nothing about starting up forums... I can build a computer (hardware) but when it comes to programs and internet services I am basically ignorant...

MMA is fun for me to watch...It's the untimate competitive sport, mono e mono.. There is something said about two guys being locked in a cage and being able to use any fighting techniques to beat out your apposing opponent.. It is so profound that I enjoy it as the fighters seem to as well... I do not live and breathe it but I enjoy it never the less..

Barbaric to some degree but entertaining to watch... I believe you feel the same, no?

I also do not post on any MMA forums just here on occasion.
Anybody see the Ultimate Fighter show on Spike last night?....

Dang that Matt Sera student got knocked out bad...He was moaning in the ring after the knockout and got a broken jaw... I noticed the guys head was small.. I wonder if your head is small you get knocked out easier? I was laughing when Rampage said the guy looked like Leonitis on the 300 Spartan movie... Classic...

Look at Cabbage Carrera's Head, that dudes head is like a giant watermellon and it literally takes a sledge hammer to knock that slob out...Hmmmm?
Saturday night is UFC time...

MY PICKS as insane as they are -

Matt Sierra stuns the world a second time and knocks out GSP in his home town...3 to 1 underdog... Hit's hard and has his number maybe???????

Travis Lutter stuns the MMA community with a submission win over Rich Franklin in the second...

I think GSP will have too much pressure on him and fold like a cheap suit...Or he will be over confident and stick his jaw out again.... It's a long shot but I think it is possible..

Travis Lutter in my opinion is finally in tip top form and in shape according to his Spike interview, it's do or die for his MMA career so he will come out confident.. Rich Franklin is a beast but the beast may have to go to sleep via the triangle choke.. Another 3-1 underdog is Travis...

Any thoughts on these two fights? I am going to bet on both of them hoping really hoping just one of my picks will win... Do I have shot at one of my picks coming thru?

I will be in Las Vegas this weekend to view the fight on pay per view TV...Lex, gotta catch up with ya on the next one...
this is the only sport i watch besides car shows and racing funny my wife will be watching football while i am working on my car or watching the power block on spike...
