UFC 81

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Lesnar was in WWE for few years. Physically strong and tough but I dont think he has it. He also tried out for NFL and got cut. There is something in human performance called "Specificity". If you are good at one sport doesn't mean you are good at another. One good example would be Michael Jordon playing Baseball.
True but baseball and basketball are vastly different while wrestling has some technique involved in MMA. If mir gets back to the shape he was before his horrible motorcycle accident I would be in favor of mir, but I just don't see him being the same as he was in '04. I know you are a doctor of the back, and mir had some major damage done to his spine.. Think if mir tried putting lesnar in a triangle and lesnar picked him up and power bombed him. I'm on the fence with this one but I really can't wait.
Frank Mir is the biggest loser still trying to fight, he should stick to comentary work....All he has is Jitsu and that is not nearly enough...No cardio, no standup, loves to bleed and gets beat down everytime I see him fight... I am not paying to see that fight..

Look for Lesner to destroy Frank Mir...

Next fridays UFC 78 card is suspect but I may watch it regardless...

I like Rashad Evan to beat up on Michael Bisbing
I like Houston Alexander to beat on Thiago Alves (that is a good fight)
I like Karo Parison to waste Chonan
Lastly I like Franky Edgar to take out Spenser Fisher..

The undercard fights are more interesting to me then the main event...Rashad Evans better fight in this one or I may boycout future fights..
My guess is lesnar by way of chair. Just messin. On the evans bisping fight I bet if it goes the distance the judges will call it for rashad because of the way they called it in the UK. I hope bisping gets knocked the **** out.
Oh Bisping is going down....

Did anyone get the chance to see the fight between Phil Baroni and Frank Shamrock last night on Showtime? It was actually a really good fight to watch..These guys bet the smack out of each other... They probably both went to the hospital after that fight...

Is Frank Shamrock top 5 in the world for his weight class?...Everytime I watch that guy he wins unlike his brother....
Any one watching the MMA fights on Showtime tonight? Jake Shields is supposed to be the next power house...

We will see...


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Jake was impressive, but I am really waiting on this next UFC this weekend..

Anyone watching and whom do you like to win?
Rashad Evans surprise me with his record. I was not impressed with this performance since day one, but for somehow he gets the W.
I can't stand Rashad Evans, and yes he doesn't impress me either... He gets lucky with his bombs..Like a lucky head kick to Sean Salmons out of no where, and this hay maker right hook bomb that found Chuck Liddel's chin last night...He literally closed his eyes and threw this right bomb as hard as he could and it caught Chuck right on the chin...WOW....Evans kinda ran the whole fight, Chuck got impatient and hurried in and got caught... I hate runners in the Octogan, Rich Franklin was running too..... Your in a fight so fight don't run... If I were Dana White I would ban any fighter that run from their opponents, period...

He will get beat soon...

Rich Franklin at 205 is interesting as he handled Matt Hamill. I think he can beat Forrest Griffen for the title... However, I don't think he can beat a healthy Rampage Jackson though..
