UFC 75

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Hey people the freebee is on Spike tomarrow night..Will you guys be tuning in?

Perdictions again-

Bisbing VS. Hamill.... I look for Mark (the Deaf man) Hamill to body slam and then ground and pound out Michael (the count out) Bisbing..

Merco (glass jaw) Crocoff Vs. Kongo (king kong) Dongo - I look for an upset and suprise in this one.. Merco has a suspect jaw, you blow some wind on his jaw and the guy drops.... Me thinks King Kongo gets lucky with a sucker punch and drops Merco once again... He's got the reach and has good stand up...Merco goes down in the first...

Dan Henderson Vs. Rampage - Well we all know I like Mr. Dan (Westwood) Henderson to turn Quinton (whimppage) Jackson into a girly whimp on the ground... This should be a good one never the less but I do think Dan has the stronger jaw and the stronger will to win... Talent is even though, maybe Dan has just a little more technique on the ground... Brute strength the edge probably goes to Rampage, endurance maybe Dan...It's going to be a barn burner of a fight... May the best man get paid...

All bets are in.......
I want Hamil "the hammer" to win just because he went to RIT....cuz thats where I am right now!!

Congo in 2 and Henderson in 4
Kongo is useless on the ground and we have seen that in his last fight. Great boxer and that is it. I think Merco going to take him to the ground.

Since Rampage win his belt from the Iceman. He has been slacking a little and you can tell he is getting some weight too (body fat). I think Dan is quicker and has more tools both stand up and ground. However, Rampage is just too strong and too animal for Dan.
Dude, bra, homey - Rampage is going down!!!!! Quition Rampage Jackson is a crazy black man with power, but I gotta go with the Olympic gold metalist and grecko monster in Dan Henderson... Dan's got a lotta skills and heart and has never been KO'd... Keep in mind he has fought the best too... Paypal is waiting for payment...Ha Ha ha...

As far as Congo goes, rumor has it he has been working on his ground game intensly... As you remember in his last fight even though he had zero ground skills and got housed he did not get damaged.. His ground defense is decent, and I don't see Merco as a pure wrestler and ground and pounder, infact I have never seen Merco in all his fights go for a shoot...Maybe it could happen though...
Homie, bra, dude, cuzz......You know Rampage is going to get hit and then he is going to go down, game over.... I just need to think what I can spend your money on... It's as good as money in the bank...

Paypal account that you will be sending the cash to will be [email protected]...

May the best man get paid
I am a man of my word...

If I lose I will pay, and if I win I will spend...It's that simple...

Simple mathematics... Anyone else care to wager against my pics...I will not except bets on Kongo against Merco though...It's like 4 to 1 in Vegas...
No Lex we just have the $20 wager on Dan VS. Rampage..I got Dan...

Bisbing could win, and so could Merco on a long shot in my opinion..Not a %100 on those fights, plus the odds are not even up on those fights in Vegas... 1 to 4.5 on Kongo, 1 to 2.25 on Matt Hamil... Give me those odds I am in on the $10 wagers???...

Lex, are you having any doughts about Rampage yet? He will be weighing in heavier then Dan Henderson which may give you a false sense of hope.. That means Rampage could toss Dan around easier, however that will only piss Dan off... Lex my boy I thought you were a wise man?

Man I am talking smack and should be banned for this...
You know the thing that I don't get...Is how in the hell do you fight your good friends and look to take their head off... In alot of MMA big fights these guys are best buds...

I watched the weigh ins and Dan and Rampage are very close friends.. I don't think I could beat the hell out of my best friend... Any thoughts on that?
Yes LEX yes LEX sending the money now....The Dan Henderson VS. Rampage fight was a close one though... Rampage had just a little more... You win I lose.....

Matt Hamil got robbed... He kicked the sheeeet out of Michael Bisbing, jabbed him all night, took him down several times, and the UK refs gave it to Bisbing... Robbery!!!!!!

Was I right or wrong about the Kongo upset? Thank you very much...
What's the line up for UFC 76? I think Keith Jardine vs. Chuck Lidell and Forrest Griffin vs. Showgun Hua....

I like Chuck and Showgun if that is who is fighting..
John; I agree. No question Matt Hamil was robbed--they probably gave it to the local boy to avoid a riot (not unusual at soccer games in the UK). Otherwise a pretty good fight night. Merco is seems to be on the way out--that is one hard sport to stay on the top for long.
Agreed dvincent... Robbed to avoid the riot...One judge had it all three rounds for Bisbing if you could believe that.. I feel bad for Matt Hamil, he got his arm snapped by this guy in the Ultimate fighter during practice, and now this...Too bad..

I think Dana White will make it up to Matt Hamill though...Dana is a straight shooter and probably saw what we saw...
