These parts necessary? Deletion? NAME THESE PARTS! *PICS*

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hey guys, sorry for the lengthy 1st post but need some quick answers. I have found a couple diagrams and etc and read some posts but not getting the answers I need.

This 1uz will be going into a bare-shell caged chassis that will be used mainly for course driving only, so I'm basically trying to delete all the unnecessary items for simplicity. Not too worried about cold start on the IACV deletion, but want to be sure that these motors are not too dependent on that system before I delete.

Also, I have found a couple random sensors and systems that I just simply am unsure of and would love some explanation and a simple answer of whether or not this system is a requirement and can be deleted or not.

Thanks so much for any help and explanation in advancement guys, I'm sure these topics have been covered before but I just simply cant get some of these answers via searching.

On to the questions!:

1.)What is this sensor?

2.)What is this sensor or is it fluid or vacuum related?

3.)What is this sensor?

4.)This entire system I just simply have no idea what it is; it has some sort of plug going to each cylinder into metal tubing going down under the lower plenum into what looks like some sort of pump or something? I dont see it present on a lot of peoples pictures of their 1uz's and cant find any information on it.

5.)Trying to figure out what all this junk on the throttle body is and hoping its similar to nissan where all I should need is the actual throttle butterfly and the TPS; here's the questions on each picture:




9.) Lastly, I see on one diagram that the driver side center of the upper plenum is the EGR valve and the front item is the 'ISC Valve'; is this a sort of IACV and does it serve any other purpose besides that? I'd like to delete all of this and adjust idle via the throttle set screw. I am aware that cold starts will be rough and etc, but as I said originally this engine should be warm before driven regardless. Seems like the front unit has a coolant passage though?
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Are you going to run the factory ecu?

that motor is obviously from a California car with every kind on emission control device known to man fitted to it!

most of it can go but depending on the level of competition your going into I would use that motor as a spare and try and find a jap import motor that wont have all the EGR and air injection shit on it to start with... EGR fucks motors badly with all the crap going back into the motor.

the sensor in the oil pan is the oil level sensor otherwise known as the first place you get an oil leak.

the next one is the power steer idle up valve

then coil condenser / suppressor

next 6 photos are egr / air injection

then the small hose on the TB is the water heating circuit (run a hose from thermostat housing to the rear water bridge)

Yes thats the TPS the other butterfly thats run off the motor is for traction control and has it's own TPS, ignore it

last photo is EGR on the side and the front is the ISCV (idle speed control valve)

That will be $5 thanks :)
I would use that motor as a spare and try and find a jap import motor that wont have all the EGR and air injection shit on it to start with... EGR fucks motors badly with all the crap going back into the motor.
Excellent advice!
