02 rear sensor delete with no additional parts and no check engine light

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


I recently read a write up by nigel wade on wiring up a 1uz.
In this write up page # 49 he explains that if you are not running rear o2 sensors that there is a way of getting rid of the CEL without buying a fancy 02 eliminator plug. I attached the page below. My question to the community is . Has anyone tried this method and been successful in getting rid of a rear 02 code.
Whats your thoughts...02 delete.jpeg
There was a post in one of the Facebook groups about this, and Kelvin @gloverman said he's un-done many vehicles that were done this way, as it caused problems. Maybe he'll chime in with more/better information.

I've found many things about that write-up are not correct, so take it all with a grain of salt.
There was a post in one of the Facebook groups about this, and Kelvin @gloverman said he's un-done many vehicles that were done this way, as it caused problems. Maybe he'll chime in with more/better information.

I've found many things about that write-up are not correct, so take it all with a grain of salt.
thats exactly why i asked the question !! thanks for the response
