The true sleeper...

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I'd be willing to put money on it that the car is faster then 9.36 right now.

If you watch this video again,
You will see that the front left tire does not leave the ground but if you look at this picture,
You can clearly see that the front left tire is at least 6" off the ground which means that the launch was a hell of a lot stronger then the launch in the video. To add to this, in the 9.36 run, the trap speed was 156mph. With that trap speed and a good launch like the picture, nothing else done to the car then what it had in the video and its easily a 9 flat or greater.

oh and Jibbby, where could you ever say that there was anything done with the front suspension.....

As for sleeper, a sleeper is anything that doesn't look fast from the outside but really is significantly faster then what it looks like would then be considered a sleeper.... The problem is that in todays day in age with all the ricer kids and all thier stickers and big wings, anything could be a sleeper...... I'll bet that even with the normal wheels and and good set of what you call a street tire, the car would still run high 9's, low 10's and if you took all the stickers off and the chute, and he drove up next to you in your SC Jibbby, he would blow your doors off and you would have never suspected a thing.... We all know that you would race him to if he pulled up next to you and revved it up cause we all know that you want to race everyone cause you've got "nitrous".
NICE MR2TURBO, but that is not a sleeper...That is a racer...

Ahhh Jibbby, you dont even read do you, cause if you did, you would have realized that his sleeper is the Hiace van in the background and as he put, Hunting the Skyline that you called a racer.........
CJSupra you and Jakey should go out to lunch soon... I'm sure you both would get along just fine.. You guys both have more attitude then a fat girl on the rag who is really hungry... Being the nice guy that I am, I was wondering? Can't we be civil fellas and discuss this crap without insults? Aren't we entitled to our opinions without getting flamed? If you guys keep this up I may just get angry... Well maybe not... Just don't talk about my mom guys......:wink:

Chris (Cjsup) .. I never said I can beat this car in a race, and yes I would give it a go because I have nitrous...And no I can't read as I really just like to look at the colorful pictures and play it off.. Any other questions?...

Again, until you guys can show me a "stock" looking Cressida that can do a flat nine in the quarter mile you guys are coming up just a little short.....Alot of talk and insults though but not really any substance to back it... On both of your behalfs -the subject Cressida is "almost" stock looking, is almost or maybe street legal, and can "almost" run 9 flat... Close but no cigar..:439:

It's a shame this thread has gone to the dumps...:headache: Another thread has been forever damaged, what a tragedy and a travesty, a true abomination, a true discrace to this fine forum...
Hey, I got an idea :thinkerg: I think I will proceed to throw back a cold beer on this hot day...That sounds pretty good right about now as I am getting ready to watch the next UFC on pay per view.... Late....
sence when was perfectly stock looking perfectly legal and can do a perfect 9.00 some thing that we had to prove could be done? i just dont get why this is somthing we have to show you to prove anything to you. i just dont see how anything is "comming up short"
I don't know either Jake?...I'm just trying to dispute what you guys are saying, that is all? A little controversy on the forum maybe? I don't know... Just having some fun with you clowns... The forum looked a little dead of late, and it was time to stir things up just a bit... I think it really worked with the BS flag, no?...:alcoholic:
In conclusion, If this Cressida can do a flat nine in the quarter then let's see it... Until then I am right and you guys are wrong and you really need to pipe down and zip it:tapedshut: .. Enjoy all the links I'm providing and solute the BS banner as it fly's high... Now have a nice day lads..:tongue2:

All your posts should fly the BS banner Jibster :)

Next time this cressie see's the track it'll be faster than a flat nine.

I'm with Chris,, if this pulled along side you there's no chance you'd pick it until it handed you your arse :) even then you'd prob check your 'bottle' before you believed it :Flush:
Jibbby..Its possibly more street legal than your Lex on the bottle !!
The chute is there for safety / rules being under 10 seconds or so..Would have to have a cage also..

With 400 rwkw the front suspension surprisingly tends to lift like that..
Besides 9.99 is a 9 second car....
All your posts should fly the BS banner Jibster :)

Next time this cressie see's the track it'll be faster than a flat nine.

I'm with Chris,, if this pulled along side you there's no chance you'd pick it until it handed you your arse :) even then you'd prob check your 'bottle' before you believed it :Flush:

BS banner on all my posts, now Justy that wasn't very nice.. I got you to battle with now too... Oh, mammy, time to break out the heavy artilary...:AR15firing: :rocketwhore:

How many times do I have to say that I know I would not touch this Cressida in a race, and even you Justen would get handled your arse by this Cressida... The mighty Justen car would get creamed by a simple looking Cressida with stickers..Go figure?.. So that doesn't make us all that different now does it Justen?...:)

Now were on whether or not my SC400 can hang with the Cressida on the bottle? WOW, where did this come from? Certainly not me!!!... Since we are talking about this now I will boldly say I betcha ya I get this Cressida out of the blocks, but that is if I had those same rear MT tires running on that Cressida..... I'd take you out of the blocks to Justen, but that is if my drivetrain didn't snap at launch and throw parts everywhere on the track, torque converter didn't lockup, front end of the car didn't rise up and then slam down and blow up, etc... I would be winning for the first 10 meters or so, so back off people..I got game!!!!:18:
Jibbby..With 400 rwkw the front suspension surprisingly tends to lift like that..
Besides 9.99 is a 9 second car....

Well I think the rear traction has something to do with front end lift too.. That Cressida just maybe looked like it had extremely soft front suspension with it's heavy rise, maybe more so then stock..

I am not disputing anything you say Xr8tt...You da man on this forum...

My car is definetely not street legal, and not even close to this Cressida...I got a bomb in my trunk, I got no cat converters, I got headers, probably lowered too low by law, what else? Oh, and I got my lemon tuned too rich so it will never pass smog emissions..That about covers it all... So again you are correct..

It's kinda fun riling you guys up on this forum once in a while, you guys all love to be so right all of the time....... However, I am going to start agreeing with you guys for now... To see how that fares...

You know people, regardless of my disagreements with you guys on this thread, I am extremely impressed with this Cressida never the less and it does take the prize for the ultimate sleeper car!!!! A car looking like that (without stickers and chute of course) running 9.36 is absolutely crazy to think about!!!! You can take the kids to pre-school in that Cressida, take o girl out on a date for a bite, and even take the boss for a ride with a cup of coffe in hand, then you can head over the track and clean up on everyone..... Sounds good to me...:headbang:
It's kinda fun riling you guys up on this forum once in a while, you guys all love to be so right all of the time....... However, I am going to start agreeing with you guys for now... To see how that fares...


You do not have to agree. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

The problem (with this thread anyway) as I see it would be the WAY each SIDE is expressing their opinion.

For THIS thread it started at post #19 (page 1) with Jibby mildly doubting the car would go 9s as pictured.

Jibby makes a good respectable post with #22 (page 2) and also introduces the 9 flat dispute (that no one else continues to claim or argue).

Trouble starts with #23 with Jibby claiming BS. NOW, when that occurs Jib my friend you may not have meant to but you are at the very least calling everyone who stated the car runs 9s as pictured either stupid or lying.
Nobody likes to be called either INCLUDING you Jib. Many of the pointed and somewhat insulting responses you get from others on this thread start with the feeling of the others being insulted by your post #23.

Jib, your post #25 does it again. Insults those that you are in disagreement with. If you posted a claim and others called BS on you in the same manner as your posts YOU WOULD FEEL INSULTED.

All of your subsequent posts have the same insulting tone. Now, I understand that you feel insulted by many of the responses to your posts. But if you will look at it from OUTSIDE as if you were not involved you may see that it started with your post #23.

Now, look at my post #38. I took a less than thorough look at the first picture and did not notice the tell tale wrinkle of the rear tire sidewall. I was mistaken and in fact was sleeper fooled!

I was WRONG and instead of trying to convince myself and others I simply said so in #40 and started asking myself HOW this car is as quick (requires traction) as it has gone. I start wondering what kind of tires and if the stock rims were modified. By doing so I hopefully give credence to anyone that had stated the cars ability as pictured that I may have insulted by my post #38.

So Jibby, do not take this as an attack on you. Just sharing my observations because I want you to feel like you are getting respect from you fellow Lextremer's. Give respect even when you do not get it. Before you know it you will get it.
Since we are talking about this now I will boldly say I betcha ya I get this Cressida out of the blocks, but that is if I had those same rear MT tires running on that Cressida..... I'd take you out of the blocks to Justen, but that is if my drivetrain didn't snap at launch and throw parts everywhere on the track, torque converter didn't lockup, front end of the car didn't rise up and then slam down and blow up, etc... I would be winning for the first 10 meters or so, so back off people..I got game!!!!:18:

Jib, here is an example of why others may take you to task and you will feel insulted.

For an SC400 your car is respectable. Your experience and skill driving your car allow you to launch faster than MOST.

PROBLEM: you decide to BOAST that you could outlaunch Justen if you had the Cressida tires (presumably so would Justen).

This opens you up to people with much more experience and expertise in drag racing to shoot you down. In the past you take those responses as a fight and shoot back. End result? Others simply loose respect for you. I doubt that is your goal.
Hear, hear.

Quickest way to lose respect in this forum, and life in general is to stick to your guns when the whole world knows you're wrong. Look at Bush.

Fastest way to gain respect is to admit you're wrong, apologise, and move on. Some (mistakenly) think that's a sign of weakness, but in reality just the opposite is true.
This opens you up to people with much more experience and expertise in drag racing to shoot you down. In the past you take those responses as a fight and shoot back. End result? Others simply loose respect for you. I doubt that is your goal.

Goal or not, its what has happened.
I think many of us frequent forum readers have decided to read his posts only for comedic value anyway... certainly not for opinions or tech information.
Guys, guys I fully see your points and you are all absolutely right....Very valid points, but this is Jibby being Jibby, as I am a bit of prankster by nature which I am sure you are all aware of by now...... I saw the BS flag and I used it as I truely believed there was no way a stock looking Cressida can do 9 flat.. "NO WAY" as I was almost wrong... I did it on purpose to cause a bit of a stir in all truth (my bad).. I honestly did it jokingly.. I did expect some of the reply's I got, it's ok... Other members on this forum come with major attitute at times, unlike me, so I said maybe this once I'll fly the flag for kicks......You guys know me by now as I am basically harmless.... Cribbj, JBrady, ZUffen, etc.. you all are way too more mature for me.. I am sure there is alot I can learn from you guys...

In all truth, I am just not as politically correct on the forums as you guys and probably never will be..... I sometimes like to shock, jolt, suprise, disagree and every blue moon like to cause a stink and raise just a little hell like with the BS banner... Not really trying to insult anyone... Most of all I really try to get a laugh above all.. Life is short and laughter is key...

I really don't mind getting insulted once in a while fellas as I am use to it on the this forum from guys like Jake, Ed, and sometimes Justen and now MVP or MWP what ever.... It's all good my friends.. I'll tone it down for a while...

This is a technical forum, but some humor is needed once in a while...If I insulted someone rather then humor then I do appologise..

MVP - Comical is good, I take that thanks..

People - Atleast I'm constantly taking the time and effort to post up interesting threads, topics and links on this forum to try and entertain you folks...A little appreciation please!!!! Figg'n A you guys are way too sensitive!!!! Have a nice day fellas, I'm now going to enjoy my Sunday morning football...
Hear, hear.

Quickest way to lose respect in this forum, and life in general is to stick to your guns when the whole world knows you're wrong. Look at Bush.

Fastest way to gain respect is to admit you're wrong, apologise, and move on. Some (mistakenly) think that's a sign of weakness, but in reality just the opposite is true.

Awesome way to put it. :You_Rock_Emoticon:
There is no way you where joking to start out, instead of admitting you where wrong you play it off like it was a joke. this isn't the first thread this has happened in.
Awesome way to put it. :You_Rock_Emoticon:

I disagree in a sense with that statement... Let me explain.....When the world goes one way it may be an good idea to go the other way.. I made most of my money in life living by that philosophy..

Example: Everyone is buying real estate, I buy stocks...Everyone is buying stocks I buy real estate... Everyone is selling stocks I hold, everyone is selling real estate I hold...Visa Versa.. IT WORKS I KID YOU NOT!!! I believe it's ok to go against the masses sometimes....Sometimes it can bite you in the arse and you can look like a fool but every now and then it can make a hero out of you...I can live with that.... Another example: We had an earthquake in Northridge, California and buildings were severly damaged and real estate values dropped..Banks were giving away properties in forclosure in that area.. No one would buy in fear there would be another earthquake and they would lose their money...The ones that didn't fear and invested are very rich today... I can go on and on but I am sure you get the idea..

It's in our human nature to follow like sheep.. I try to do the opposite because I don't want to be a sheep...It's worked out just fine in my life time so far... Maybe not on this perticular thread but hey sometimes that happens what can you do?

Bush may be an idiot in alot of ways but he did do something right to become the President of the Unitied States... Right or wrong?

I leave you all with that to digest...:thinkerg:

JAKE YOUR VERY WRONG!!! Jake do you EVER have anything nice to say?... Just pull the trigger already and get it over with...geees...
i have plenty good to say when there is a reason, give me a reason and ill having somthing good to say to or about you.
with that said, it seems to me you take anything i say no matter how trivial as a personal attack on you, maybe you should pull the trigger.
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