A new broom does sweep clean.
The Rod Shop needs this change.
Indeed it does. It was a few years ago now, and it does put a dampner on the mood of this thread, but: When I did my original 1UZ conversion I decided to buy the R150f conversion kit from CRS after they assured me it suits my 4Runner conversion.
In the end I'm sure it cost me more than initial cost of the 'full kit' again to rectify problems with it. Nearly every single piece was wrong or faulty. For eg: I replaced a starter motor at my own cost thinking it was stuffed (you know how hard that is on a 1UZ!?) but it turned out the ring gear supplied on the flywheel was from a different engine completely, it would only mesh half the time.
Right down to some odd factors, like the clutch fork and slave that sits on the opposite side of their bellhousing to factory one. The list is near endless. Even the little flywheel dowels were the wrong size for the holes in their flywheel :smashfreakB:
I could supply a list as long as the contents of the kit of things that were wrong, faulty or needed modding. Plus labour costs to get it all rectified. I guess I just lucked out... :dead:
Now I can't say that their gear is still like that because it was in about '05, but I won't lie and pretend it never happened, afterall this section is about feedback.
Sorry to dampen the spirit here Glenn, but hopefully you guys are back on track with getting kits right. Afterall, I orderd from you guys purely because of the reputation I was preached by others...
*Edit* I must add that CRS eventually agreed to pay for part of the labour to rectify the ring gear problem (only that). Only a part of the rectification costs, but it was better than nothing.