Supercharger Manifold

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member
What do u guys think of machine the top part of the lower manifold and put in an adaptive plate and have the supercharger sits on top. I think this is what Jordy was doing but i didnt really study his work. What do think?
Jordy's Ski Boat Manifolds

Jordy (Joel) is back after being covered up with work from his day job, and is interested in making manifolds for members. He's making one for me at the moment for the early style 1UZ to fit an Eaton M112 (very similar to what he's running, except without the Jag intercoolers)

I'm also shipping him the lower manifold from a VVTi motor, and he intends to have a play with that to see what can be done in the way of a design for these newer motors (and/or the 2UZ's.....) Sort of a DIY follow-on to the TRD package.

The only thing he asks is that anyone who wants a manifold, be prepared to provide a donor (the lower half only) in exchange. From the US, cheapest freight is USPS Air Parcel Post and it runs around $100 (USD) one way.

Jordy's manifold didn't slice off the top of the lower runners it cut through them at approx 90degrees and built a new lower section that sat in the valley but above the starter.

I do believe Jordy will provide the best manifold anywhere at a fair price.

I also believe with a little improvisation you could have it built with a higher monting level for the blower and insert an intercooler under the blower.
Here are two pictures discrib Jordy's Manifold. The inital picture is the V cut he made and the second picture is the three plates he weld together to form a plenum.

I did some measurements last night. The supercharger can not be wider then 8.0". If the supercharger is wider then 8.0", the the fual rails will be a problem.
