Vendor supercharged manifolds for sale

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

jordys ski boat

New Member
i make supercharged manifolds for the 1-2-3 UZFE engines to suit roots or screw type supercharges they can be up to 10mm lower than the stock plenum where hood clearance is minimal

they range from $600 aus dollars

here are some photos of a manifold to suit an eaton m90

if your interested pm me your phone no and i will call you
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thanks for that nice reply i hope i can make a few i was looking into casting the manifold but there will be to many diffrent types but i think hand making them will turn out better anyway i am making another one now its a bit diffrent to mine i will take photos and put them up
Hi Jordy
This page is not easy to find
All go for me
Supercharger is on the way from Canada it also has the intercooler any idea's
How this will fit with the Soarer
Won't work for Lexus USA market.

I'm glad to see people taking the steps to produce aftermarket perfomance for the Lexus engines, however, this mod. needs some work before it's ready.

1st = Without the EGR valve attached, it will not work. Intake shown would require ERG valve mod. to utilize it with this manifold setup.

Since EGR are electronically controlled ( USA Lexus 4.0) not vacuum controlled ( non- USA Soarer) you cannot just disgard it as you can on Soarers and expect things to work.

Thus, this setup as shown NOT work for USA Lexus engines. Attempts bypass or remove the EGR on US cars will cause it to run very rich.
Because the EGR in USA cars is electronic, it's tied directly into the cars computer system. Without the feedback from the EGR to enssure proper fuel managment, the cars onboard computer has no way of knowing where its at.

Side note: All attempts I and others have made to modify or bypass The EGR in USA models have proven unsuccessful.

2nd issue: The ports as shown extrude into the manifold. This in addition to the mounting not being centered would cause some bazarre turbulants resulting in very uneven air flow from the charger into the cylinders. People like Edelbrock have spent millions designing and testing this kind of stuff.

Conclusion: Give you an A for effort but it fails in funtionality.
Still needs some serious revisions before it's ready to market to the USA.
Who here has had problems with disabling EGR? I have never had an issue on the 93+ Supras (we have to use a resistor to fool the ECU that the EGR temp is correct). There should be no concern of fuel mixture problems with mass air fuel injection -the EGR gas is totally inert and has no impact on air-fuel ratios at all.

FYI, most later 1/2/3UZ (USA) motors don't even have EGR. My 2003 Tundra engine and my 1999 GS400 engine have no EGR at all.
I dont use any factory stuff, I use a ford air idle valve so I dont know about the 1uz factory stuff but you just do what you have to do to make things work.
STAFF - How do you know what the manifold flows like? I have seen and had so many manifolds like the edlebrock torker2 single plane manifold and the port lenth is not much storter than them. Also in auto mags i have seen ports shorter with bigger chambers. I put the bell mouths in the manifold to even the flow out with I have read a book on intake flow and its a proven fact that it helps even air flow out over all of the cylinders thats why some car makers use them they had a manifold with bell mouths and with out and put them both on the flow bench and the bell mouth manifold was a long way in front, but this test was without forced induction, its not really needed with forced induction i used them because i did and the supercharger not being in the centre will make NO diffrence whatsoever, the air can enter the manifold from the front and still would be ok. so your saying that the chev ls1 will flow uneven because the throttle body is at the front of the manifold so that cylinders number1 and 2 get more air than 7 and 8.
Anyway that is my manifold, I made it for myself and I put it on this site to show people how to make them. I'm not trying to get into the after market buisiness but if people want them I will be happy to make them and its milled off center for a reason if you read the other thread.
To write that my project is a failure is a pretty weak statement. Show me what you have made that is better.
Jordy I cant message you, You have exceeded your stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until you clear some space.

It ins't the fad wearing off. It is the dollars not stetching far enough.

What do you think the cost of supercharging an 1UZ-FE is?

Maybe this will let a few people see it is affordable.
I think most people are afraid of other accessories attachments. I dont think a supercharger unit is the issue. Accessories like ISC and EGR for the Americans. I wonder if we can do a inline ISC. Deleting EGR would not be a problem at all.
You could do an inline supercharger using an M90 from a Thunderbird. You could run the air in the back of the supercharger then out the top (like Ford designed) through the Ford (or aftermarket) intercooler and through the afm etc.

You could not keep the standard plenum as the bonnet would need a proscoop to clear it.
Jordy, have you managed to find some extra manifolds? If so how much extra will it be with a supplied manifold (I would like to change back if needed) Thanks mate.

I think you need to post an article on the instal of the supercharger and costing involved. You need some dyno figures as well.

Looks like Cobra will be the first car running with you manifold. Maybe he could give some info as well.

People need to see it can work before getting too committed. A lot of people would find $2,000.00 a big ask. Once they know what they can get they may go ahead and do it. Let's see $2,000.00 that's 40 cases of Crown Lager. Pretty cheap for all that horsepower.
yeah rod you are right i will only make a few more manifolds and that is it i have not got enough time to do so im not intrested in sorting out isc or egr valves etc at the moment i am doing a DIY manifold on this site so people can make it them selfs or get someone else to make it for them
jordys ski boat said:
i make supercharged manifolds for the 123uzfes to suit roots or screw type supercharges they can be up to 10mm lower than the stock plenum where hood clearance is minimal they range from $600 aus dollors here are some photos of a manifold to soot an eaton m90 if your intrested pm me your phone no and i will call you

build a manifold that will work on a 2uzfe in the 00-04' Tundras which can support the TRD M90 blower and offer intercooling ports and id bet you $100.00 that i can have 10 of them sold in one month at the $600.00 price.
glory is right.

there are alot of dissapointed tundra owners in USA. trd is no longer offering superchargers for 03-04' 2uzfe tundras. tundra owners looking for an inexpensive alternative.

factory trd supercharger kit listed for $4,600.00 and change not including installation, but it came with a warranty.

imagine using your manifold, and a cheap m90 take off from a thunderbird etc.
so that manifold is $600?

seems like a good deal to me, especially since you'd need PROGRAMMABLE INJECTION anyways and not 'make do' with factory computers.

oh, and staff, not everything is about the US market.
