
The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
sorry about that.
I am a poor uni student who doesn't have much money (just enough to do and engine swap though) and lst year I had my VL commodore stolen from me. It was in really good nick. I got insurance, but i still lost a lot of money. On top of that recently i have had 2 guitar amplifiers and a guitar stolen from me, and the insurance company did not pay up!. They threw every excuse they had at me. take my advise. DON'T INSURE WITH SUNCORP. I am doing eveything i can now to make sure no one I know insures with them.

Pass it on.

P.S Aami is a good insurance company.
and good to hear that u got your gearbox back.

If you have a grievance with Suncorp you should lodge a formal complaint with them and they are legally required to re-look at the matter. If you are still not happy you can have it referred to an independant external dispute resolution panel who's decision is binding on the company.

For more information ring 1300 780 808 the organisation is called Insurance Enquiries & Complaints. Ring them and discuss your options.
i have.
I have gone through the process you would imagine............they did not change their mind (as was expected). Anyway, I am over it now. The most I can do is give them a bad name. Do you work for them Zuffen? or do u have shares in the company or something?
I was going to leave some practical advice on your claim but thought better of it.

And the answer to your questions is no and yes. Not that that wouLd have changed my advice.
budzsc said:
What happened to the guy who stole your box? What'd u do to him? lol Details...! I'm curious...
nothing like digging up an olddie and blowing off the dust, i'd be safe saying, he's taken up a new pass time, one that has nothing to do with knocking off g/box's
Looking back it was probably a stupid thing to do, but I have never had much luck with the local police in chasing down stolen stuff.
I dont want to say to much on here other than I made him an offer he couldn't refuse.
i just re read the posts i made up above this 1, i dont even know wat i was on about i must have been drunk or soming.
mycarhasposessedme did u use the same sort of line that i did when some 1 tryed to screw me over. i said " i know were u live, i know were u work, i also know wat car is urs, i want my money or my stuff back if it doesn't u better call the fire brigade about ur home"

strangly all my gear was returned with a " plz do not threaten me ever again i am sorry" lol i thought it was kinda amuseing since im like 2 foot tall and skiiny lol
ahahahahaa, i still wanna know what offer he gave him, why would u even give someone who stole your crap and offer? Id kill them, simple...
ya so did you at least beat the mother f***er up ?? n e ways i would of done something i couldnt just leave it this way n e ways im happy to hear you got it back
