Serious engine pictures

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
I have a complete copy of GurneyFlap saved on my computer just in case it ever goes down, also becouse its a whole lot easyer to browse all the pics locally. whole site is just about a gig.
I'm a little surprized you didn't know that,

here's another one,

grtz Thomas

Nope! I go to mulsannescorner regularly, but never stumbled across the gurneyflap website. I really enjoy good pics of well built racing equipment, particularly once all the pretty covers come off and you can see the business end of things.
Damn I remember sitting on the couch with my dad watching the 24H training sessions when Mark Webber did the Flip in the mercedes, we where both saying that he must have died in that crash, it was amazing how quick and high he went and gt out alive.
still remember the comentor on dutch telly said: (free translation)
"well it seems the people at mercedes Aerodynamics still have some work to do".....:Eyecrazy:

I have an hour of DVD worth with a documentairy of
100Years of ACO Lemans which goes into this event in detail with webber intervieuwd about it, still scares me watching that, it happend on hunaudierres at well over 300km an hour mind you. and he did it TWICE that weekend.

I have quite a few pictures that maight be worth some looking at, made at the Proffesional motorsport expo in germany last year. very nice details on the R8 twinturbo audi engine, i'll look them up.

grtz Thomas

cannot wait to get to lemans again this year! new closed top Lola's yummy!
