I've browsed the site a lot and printed off loads of info - I've also bought a few bits off Lex and finally the wife's track day car is almost there.
So a big thank you to Lex and all those who I've pinched ideas off over the last year and a half.
My Mum's old Reliant Scimitar had a new lease of life when I persuaded dad to track day it - he's now given it to the wife (Caroline) and the pair of them now have a nice little plastic car with a 1UZ rather than the Essex Ford V6.
Dad's done the vast majority of the work - only asking for help when he needs another pair of hands - and my brother has helped out with tig welding the manifolds and zorst's - along with bits n bobs from his workshop - Caroline's dad has made up bits when we've needed any complicated machining so it's been a real family affair. My part in all this - I get the bits and pretend to know what I'm talking about
The Scimitar now has a real mix of components - obviously the Reliant Scimitar chassis and body and the Lexus Engine and box - but with Jag XJS front brakes and parts of the suspension, a Jag LSD in the original Salisbury axle, BMW seats and a Porsche Steering Wheel - custom made prop and rad along with a SPA kitdash.
Caroline and dad's first track day in the revised Scim is at Goodwood on 7th June - we've got some interior stuff to sort and Dad's having a re-jig of the front suspension. But it's nearly there.
We've obvioulsy got the body work to sort out (at least it's not going to rust) but we know that the running gear is all sorted.
In a way it would be cool to leave it with the rat look - but it's had so much time, money and effort spent on it that we'll probably prep the body and then get a professional respray done. But that can wait till after some track day fun.
I've browsed the site a lot and printed off loads of info - I've also bought a few bits off Lex and finally the wife's track day car is almost there.
So a big thank you to Lex and all those who I've pinched ideas off over the last year and a half.
My Mum's old Reliant Scimitar had a new lease of life when I persuaded dad to track day it - he's now given it to the wife (Caroline) and the pair of them now have a nice little plastic car with a 1UZ rather than the Essex Ford V6.
Dad's done the vast majority of the work - only asking for help when he needs another pair of hands - and my brother has helped out with tig welding the manifolds and zorst's - along with bits n bobs from his workshop - Caroline's dad has made up bits when we've needed any complicated machining so it's been a real family affair. My part in all this - I get the bits and pretend to know what I'm talking about

The Scimitar now has a real mix of components - obviously the Reliant Scimitar chassis and body and the Lexus Engine and box - but with Jag XJS front brakes and parts of the suspension, a Jag LSD in the original Salisbury axle, BMW seats and a Porsche Steering Wheel - custom made prop and rad along with a SPA kitdash.
Caroline and dad's first track day in the revised Scim is at Goodwood on 7th June - we've got some interior stuff to sort and Dad's having a re-jig of the front suspension. But it's nearly there.
We've obvioulsy got the body work to sort out (at least it's not going to rust) but we know that the running gear is all sorted.
In a way it would be cool to leave it with the rat look - but it's had so much time, money and effort spent on it that we'll probably prep the body and then get a professional respray done. But that can wait till after some track day fun.