SC400 air suspension

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
I have a 92 sc400 with the adjustable air bags. I am wondering does it damage the air bags if I leave them up more often, as I live in a area with many speed bumps. I've been told that it is expensive to replace so I really only use it occasionally. I understand that you are not meant to leave your air bags up if your parking over curbs as they can lower slightly, but is there anything wrong with leaving the suspension up.
You should be right with it on high all the time but your wheel alignment would have been set with it at normal height. I'm not sure how much difference there would be but you should get it checked if that's how you drive around most of the time. Only thing I'd be worried about is looking like you're driving a 4WD : )
Yeah thanks Damien, I do agree with your comment about "Driving like a 4WD". Its also in relation with body kits as that will effectively lower the car more.
