Refurbished sc400 headlights

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
So I just replaced the starter in my 92 sc400. It was all that everyone said it would be and then some due to lack of a garage and winter conditions. But its done now and on to the next project. Is there anyone out there selling refurbished headlamps or a quality pair of aftermarkets. Mine have lots of condensation and are a bit "fogged" dirty. To be honest I am pretty swamped at work and tired of riding the bike or bus plus have a more than enough projects. I would like to find some stock looking lamps maybe a clear lens that I can just replace the old ones with without trying to pry the adhesive apart. Plus even if I wanted to take them apart myself it would be good to have a back up on hand for when I melt the lenses or something. I have been looking around with not a lot of luck. Ebay lamps are a bit to to "tuner" for me, plus I've read of numerous quality issues. Any recommendations or general points in the right direction?
Also sorry if this is in the wrong spot. 3am and I'm still at work didn't know if it would be better in electrical. As I write this I'm thinking its a bit obvious now. :confused:
I don't think there's any refurbished sc headlight out there. You can refurbish it by yourself. To open up the lense housing, don't use the oven. Use a heat gun instead, so that you can control the heat while prying out the lense housing. The exterior coat of the light is probably not good anymore, so if you polish it, it'll get dull again within 3 months. You can buy a precut clear headlight tint for the specific SC. After you polish the healight exterior, put the clear tint on and it'll stay there for years.
