Rack and Pinion quesition

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Hi Fellas...
I just replaced my rack and pinion, my quesiton is that there are two bushings on the driver side held on by the two mounting bolts for the rack and pinion, and no one seems to carry the bushing not even lexus. let me try to describe the part little better, There are two bolts that hold the rack on each sides (passenger and driver side) on the driver side there are two bushings held by those two bolts. can anyone help me find these bushings? If I cant find them I probably have to make my own using some polyurethane...

Thanks in advance for the help guys...

solid aluminum.... I thinking of using urethane...
since you made yours already, whats the outer diameter of the bushing?
mines pretty torn up, I have to estimate the size.
Also what did the aluminum peice cost you?

chepito73 said:
i have the same problem and i make my in solid aluminum
sorry one of the guys in the machine shop in my unit did the measurments and the work i know he used a micrometer to do the work. And that was a year ago.
There's only one manufacturer who makes that complete steering rack bushings. I bought mine for around $45 for complete driver and passenger bushings. It's Daizen. Here's the link: http://www.daizensporttuning.com/dealers.html. Go with Sewell Lexus. This dealer is very nice and better with customer services. Except the steering rack bushings, which are good, other Daizen's products are so horrible. I've tried them all and many of us already weren't happy.
