Project 1gz v12 jza80

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
Engine has arrived in Melbourne, passed quarantine, has been packed onto a pallet, and should have gone on a truck friday arvo.... to arrive on monday...

unfortunately, things dont always go according to plan and it wont leave melbourne till monday, so i probably wont see it till wednesday at the earliest...
Feels like cristmas for us to..!!

I´m SUPER interested in your "findings" when you start taking that baby apart!!! =)
Christmas is a month early this year!!!

funny that....i actually got lucky enough to come into possession of an english engine manual....very very rare!!!!

Anyhow, what's there to know? haha.... seriously, just think of it as a larger, more fancy 3uz.....

I spent a good amount of time down at SAS (silverwater automotive services for the sydney guys).... spoke with the tuner and a fellow toyota enthusiast and after a quick look in the manual, have decided to go with an autronic sm4. It will handle everything quite nicely.... specific setup will be revealed in time (when i get confirmation)....

Anyhow, the hard part now is to mate this lump of alloy to a gearbox, haha.
oh man, i wanted to wait till i had it in my possession to i can take off this silly engine cover, but since you insisted....
Awsome Rjay, looks just like an longer 1uz, some of the parts ie power steer etc look the same, you will probably find lots of 1uz parts inside, even the layout is very similar, interesting no dizzies, awsom find gotta get one of those for my Lambo. YES YES YES

Best Regards
I got the engine this morning, funny huh? haha... anyhow, took some pics with the engine cover off...

no dizzy because it runs a factory wasted spark setup using 6x 2 channel coils... funny thing is the coils are mounted COP on the first 3 cylinders on each bank with a lead coming off each coil and leading to the back to the last 3 cylinders.....

The exhaust manifolds are typical toyota... you'll see in the pics.... The harness is complete, though no ecu, not that i'd use it anyhow.... it's missing the a/c and alternator, though it does have the p/s pump.

Anyhow, pics will come when the battery on my cam corder charges enough to transfer the pics onto my pc.
Hi R-jay, Awsome thanks for the pics, is it drive by wire can,t see any throttle cable attachment points, only tps etc on the sides of the butterfly section.Does the Bellhousing pattern look similar to the 1uz, you can probably read my mind at this point . lol

No shipment weight, sorry... might look around my complex and see if any of my neighbours have a pallet scale though....

The engine is dual drive by wire... tps on the left of each intake, and the electronic throttle (also controls traction) on the right. As for the bellhousing pattern.... i really would need to put them side by side (might do that tonight) but as it sits, it sortta looks abit bigger than the 1uz even....
From what I've read, these engines are based on the 1NZ engines, a 1.3L-1.5L I4...supposedly...I can't any correlation in bore or stroke that links them to the mini 1NZ. Hopefully, you can bore the crap out of them and make it a 6.0L Toyota V12...I cannot WAIT for you to open this engine up.
it's not going to be a budgetless quick build... this thing will literally take years.... probably 2.... before i can stand back and safely say it's finished.... though plans are to have it running, maybe on a stand early next year.
Either way, good luck and keep us updated. I for one am very interested in this engine. hopefully you come into some money and you can make it a higher-budgetted build.
my thoughts too... intake and exhausts are very restrictive... ITB's and extractors will fix it.... though will probably do that down the line.
