please help!! ucf11 1uz issues.....

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
meaning the seal that presses into the valve cover itself, not the plug wire boot.

see the issue is, i have a pleathera of 1uz parts available to help me, but not ucf10 parts....

at a first glance, i seen 2 caps busted, replaced them, no help. out of frustration i opened it up again, replaced 2 more caps (4 total). noticed a burnt looking spot on the chip board, visually followed all the circuits then tested continuity to all of them, all good. plugged the ecu in, and im getting a jumpered CEL now!!

code 13.

ok, but i replaced both cam position sensors......


broke out the multi meters.....

getting 1.310 ohms on both cam sensors.....
getting 6.83 ohms on no.2 sensor wires back to ecu.....
getting nothing on no.1 sensor wires back to ecu.

so continuity tested the red wire from no.1 back to the 6 prong combo plug on the drivers bank, continuity is present back to the plug.

tested from the yellow no.2 back to the 6 prong, continuity is present.

tested the green wire from the no.1 plug back to the 6 prong combo plug on the drivers bank, no continuity.

tested the blue from no.2 back to the 6 prong (which blue from no.2 and green from no.1 come together before going to green into the 6 prong) i have continuity there.

so if blue from no.2 and green from no.1 come together before going to the 6 prong as green, then i should have continuity between green no.2 and blue no.1......but i dont. but do have continuity of the blue no.2 going to the 6 prong......

no.2 is the passenger bank though right? so why is the ecu telling me no.2 when no.1 clearly has the issue? do the CAS work in sequence off each other before entering the ecu?

problem still persist.....

ok, update.

went to the u pull yard today, well....2 of them. first yard was the more popular yard, every LS400 was stripped of its ecus, and most frequently worn parts (seat memory module, lcd a/c panel, fuel pump control module etc.) no tps's, afm's, IACV's, or any of the likes of the sensors were chasing after.

so i go to the second yard as theyre driving in an exact 94 LS400 just like mine....SCORE!!!! i got to examine the car, running, revving, etc. no CEL, just the usual bad trans.

so i snag the ECU, TPS, AFM, ABS/TRAC module, working cluster, and a few other items......basically rapped the car while it was still warm, lol. (no necro pun intended)

get home, throw in the ecu, my original ecu was an 89661-50141. ive read that the 50142, such as i had purchased was the better of the ecu's, and had most of the previous issues resolved, and also was less prone to failure.

on warm up of first start, car was amazing!! no issues, free revving to redline, bouncing off the rev limiter, no smoke, not rich, awesome!! problem solved!!


after 3 or 4 shut offs and start ups, the car still behaved well. so i go to run "the loop" we call it, (i reside on a semi-circle, off of a state highway.) car accelerated perfectly! hit second gear, 3000 rpms, and pop, pop, pop, it starts choking.....CEL, and TRAC OFF light, but only when the problem occured.

lights went off, i dropped to 25% throttle, and the car drove fine.

pull codes!!! yay!! an ecu that will give me codes. 41 and 47, which i did play with a bit when previously trouble shooting. adjusted per specs, cleared code, restart.....same issue. im finding that its cutting at exactly 3000 rpms.

continuity tested all wires between the trac TPS, and main TPS, both back to the ECU. all good. 5 volts on all 3 wires for the AFM coming from the ecu to the AFM. same with the TPS's. 5 volts where it should be and everything ohming out in spec.

replaced the trac/abs module, no difference, again, jumper fp and b+ in the diag connector to double check for proper fuel pressure, not it........

so i broke out an injector node and timing light to see whats getting pulled at 3k rpm. the injectors are going offline at over 50% throttle.

25% throttle, i can take it to redline, go to over 50% throttle and it falls on its face. reset everything, unplug battery, its fine. so this tells me the ecu is seeing something on the engine its not liking, and its pulling the fuel when it sees it and reporting it as a TPS issue, yet ive already been over that a few times.

so, basically 41 is the only code im getting now.
so what will cause the ecu to pull the injector signal over 50% load?

i just got done going through the 142. replaced 5 caps, 3 of which the same locations as the 141 previous ecu, 2 in other locations. i picked up a stock pile of 16v 220mf, 10v 100mf, 35v 15uf, and 50v 10uf capacitors, taicon of course, no more nichicon.

also im noticing a pattern....:

C103, C104 C105, and C106 are all on the same circuit and were busted in both ecu's.

C103- 50v 10uf
C104- 50v 10mf
C105- 10v 100mf
C106- 16v 220mf
C831- 35v 15mf

but with my previous luck with replacing caps, to no better effect, and finding that the data parameters on the microchip itself is corrupted:

in all honesty, whats keeping me from running a 502**? i know its obd2, i also know that it also has the same pin configuration as my current ecu......'s.

i mean, i might have to change a few wires right? put the FP on a relay off of my IGN signal....... essentially, whats so different in the 95 obd2 cars? im researching for myself right now, but i was just taking a shot in the dark.

another ecu i have available came out of a car built in december of 1994 (meaning, being built after september 94, its released as a 95')

obd2 compliance wasnt afirmly mandated till 96" most early 95's were "partially" obd2. meaning, that you didnt quite get all the SAE info parameters as the 96+ cars. so in all reality, it should work, especially with it having the same plug configuration. now will it require a "flash"?

also finding , that actually seeing an ecu pinout for a 95ish model ls400 ecu, is damn near impossible, i guess simply because it was an "obd1.5" year. supposedly these ecus are built like brick sh*t houses to ward of failure and being able to support an array of either obd systems, especially with the mandate taking place the following year.
