PHOTOS 112 on 1UZ

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
How much are the Jordy manifolds going for and how can I get one? I am very interested in supercharging my ride so any and all info you guy's can provide will be appreciated.
Hi All,
Just a follow up on supercharger sizes, expected power, intercooling etc.

The Richwood manifold accepts all the superchargers listed with a variation in top plate, drive pulley and rear intake,

Eaton M90 ( ford T-bird, GM, Terra Charger.)
Eaton M112 ( Lightening, Jag, Magnacharger, Harrop )
Eaton M112 ( cobra, we now have a top plate & drive to suit)

Lysholm 1600, 2300, ( 3300.- tight)
Autorotor-Opcon 3150, 417, 418, 420, 422, ( 424, 426.-Tight fit)
Whipple 2300(W140) 3300 (W200)

Race and show applications;
GM 353, 453, 653, 471, 671, 871, 1071
PSI B & D series

We can if need be make custom top plates for those whom have found a weird supercharger flange.

The supercharger sizes are,
Eaton; Roots type
M90 is 1.5 litres per rev
M112 is 2.0 litres per rev
Lysholm; screw type
1600 is 1.6
2300 is 2.3
3300 is 3.3
Autorotor-Opcon; screw type
3150 is 1.5
417 is 1.7
418 is 1.8
420 is 2.0
422 is 2.2

I think you get the general arrangement, Whipple is rated same as Lysholm, and for those whom want serious boost, the PSI is 8.4 litres per rev.
The Eaton calls itself positive displacement, it still however pressurises in the plenum, the screw superchargers are true positive displacement with varying internal compressions, being from 1.2 to 1.45, we have found in most apllications with roots type, especially higher boosts,(8-15lb) you do require some cooling, whether that be water to air or water injection.
It has been our experience, that the screw superchargers in most cases do not require intercooling for low boost 6-10lb), a properly sized screw supercharger for the application and boost requirements will at best require water or misting only, in higher boost application (like Rod's)10-25lb, water or methanol works very well, we have placed water to air intercoolers in manifolds, both bar type and block, the result was minimal, but again this all depends on the tune.
The expected power gains again are something that many have varying HP results,
example; stock 1UZ-fe, stock computor, stock throttle body, etc,
HP from factory is 220hp, running an M90 with 7lb @ 6000, gave a 37% increase, (300HP) we ran a piggy back tuner for spark and fuel, a rising rate fuel reg, one range colder on the plug, free flow air cleaner.

Hope that answered some questions, any quires drop me an email.

Cheers, Andrew
[email protected]
I have a M112 SVT Cobra supercharger. What is the recomended setup for my stock 1uz engine? What horsepower should I expect out of it once the kit is installed?
Just FYI, here is a pic of two Eaton 112's. The top one is the Lightning top inlet version (MP112), the bottom is the Cobra side inlet (M112). Notice how much longer the Cobra charger is than the Lightning.


Do you still have the drawing or extra plate 1uzfe TB Plate adaptor? I have one made for the Cobra M112 elbow, but need another piece to clear the Traction Control part in the TB. Please let me know. I can draw it again, but if you have an extra one laying around, please let me know. Secondly, how do u take care of the cold start injector?

I shave 1.20" off the M112 and should be fitting ok under the hood.

Do you have Cobra M112 pulley that is 6 ribs? I need around 2.8"
It's not bad. The bead on the bottom flange could be alittle more consistant with the filler dipping and a hair steadier electrode but its not bad. =)


Do you still have the drawing or extra plate 1uzfe TB Plate adaptor? I have one made for the Cobra M112 elbow, but need another piece to clear the Traction Control part in the TB. Please let me know. I can draw it again, but if you have an extra one laying around, please let me know. Secondly, how do u take care of the cold start injector?

I shave 1.20" off the M112 and should be fitting ok under the hood.

Do you have Cobra M112 pulley that is 6 ribs? I need around 2.8"

Lex, sorry I don't have any drawings or templates these flanges, i hand shaped them using a 4inch grinder & files with a quick finish using a small drum sander to follow the shape of the existing flanges, then had a mate weld it all together for me.
I don't require a cold start injector as i am using a Autronic ECM to run my setup.
Thought you might of as you did post the question over a month ago.
Hope your project is progressing well.
