Been investigating the engine oil and its pressure Vs temps.
Until today, I have the standard small oil filter (Ryco Z418) and 10w30 oil. The main issue was the idling pressure that would sit around 16PSI when the water temp was 90+Cdeg. When cruising at around 2600rpm, pressure was 67psi.
After research, discovered that I could fit a larger filter (Ryco Z9ST) and discovered the oil pressures increased at 2600rpm (78psi) but idle stayed the same.
When the oil is cool the pressures remain within what I believe are normal ranges but its the hot idle that has me questioning if its too low when its hot.
Anyway, I have always wondered if I could fit a cooler and on the front of the filter housing there are two connection points that I'm not sure what they are for. Any clues?

Until today, I have the standard small oil filter (Ryco Z418) and 10w30 oil. The main issue was the idling pressure that would sit around 16PSI when the water temp was 90+Cdeg. When cruising at around 2600rpm, pressure was 67psi.
After research, discovered that I could fit a larger filter (Ryco Z9ST) and discovered the oil pressures increased at 2600rpm (78psi) but idle stayed the same.
When the oil is cool the pressures remain within what I believe are normal ranges but its the hot idle that has me questioning if its too low when its hot.
Anyway, I have always wondered if I could fit a cooler and on the front of the filter housing there are two connection points that I'm not sure what they are for. Any clues?