newbie after twin turbo advice

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New Member
hi all.
im about to start my twin turbo conversion to my 90 celsior, after reading the article on the main page ive decided to "give it a go".
im just wondering how effective this setup is, does it work properly?
ill be using 2 s4 rx7 turbos (as i have a couple of hiflows laying around ;) )in the same fasion as the one in the article, im planning on only running 7-8psi so is this ok with the stock engine management? will i need a rising rate pressure regulator? stock injectors ok? i will be using a front mount intercooler as well, just to keep temps down.
im also wondering where to source the external oil pump to feed the oil back to the engine, and what sorta specs sould i look for? i know it needs to be pretty accurate to match the oil going in.
keeping in mind this is all going onto a dead stock engine/driveline, will i kill it?
basically me and a mechanic mate are going to have a shot at doing this ourselves, so any advice would be appreciated.
RX7 turbos will be a good match - especially hi-flow ones.

no need for a rising rate reg, but you could bolt in 7MGTE 440cc injectors (there are also RX7 injectors you can use - PM Lextreme, he has a few sets) for more fuel. the stock injectors run out of puff around the 350hp mark.

an oil pump is only required if the turbo core oil drain is LOWER than the sump. if the the drain from the turbo core is higher than the sump, then weld a bung to the side of the pan at the highest point and the oil will flow back with gravity.

to get oil TO the turbos, you can either tee the oil pressure sensor or tee the line that runs between the oil pump and the filter (the black corrugated lines down low on the LHS of the engine).

i wouldn;t expect the A340E to last long in stock form, but if you bump the oil pressure up to firm up shifts (there's a tutorial on all this somewhere on here - very easy to do with the tranny out of the car), it should last a little longer and make the whole car a little quicker. maybe invest in a small stall torque convertor too while you're there.

you should also read up on fitting honda CBR coil-on-plugs - as you'll need aftermarket management to run the whole lot anyway. at around $67 ea new from honda, they're a good investment and the later models come with CDi capability. as for engine managment, well, we live in AUS, we have a ton to choose from.

upgrade your fuel pump and filters along the way too to minimise any chance of a lean out.

that about answers the questions you posted. if you have anything else to ask then keep em coming.

and thanks for putting your location in your profile.

cool, cheers for that, its a great help.
is an aftermarket engine managment a requirement as from all the articles i read, it sounded like i could use the stock one for the time being, provided that it was only on low boost????
this is only a tempoary measure as ill will upgrade the computer/injectors later, basically i just wanna chuck the turbos on it and drive it for the time being, will it work? or will it lean out??? if that was the case i would just put a pressure switch in and put a couple of extra injectors in the intake to compensate, for the time being.
im not looking for HUGE hp straight away, just a bit more get up and go, as my rx7 is built for going stupidly fast.
From what others have written and from personal experience, stock ecu's seem to handle 6 psi ok. Much past this point is pushing the limits.

I think it would be a good idea to bite the bullet and install the programmable ecu in the early stages as once you get a little more performance from the 6 psi you will soon want more and more which will req a aftermarket ecu anyway. This is what happend to me. I thought " I'll be happy with stock ecu and 6 psi" but soon I wanted more.
But on the flip side if funds are an issue you can only do what you can afford and 6 psi is better than N/a.

Just my 2 cents
funds are an issue now, as some pr!ck drove into the side of my car and it now needs 2 new doors and 1/2 a car respray........ yay :boggled: :boggled: !
plus im getting a new engine built for my rx7, so yeah things are a little tight at the moment, but on the plus side i will have a spare wolf 3d v3 once the new engine combo goes into my 7 in a couple of months :Eyecrazy: :Eyecrazy:
but im looking at putting the turbos on in the next couple of weeks.
Apparently the WOlf 3d has been used quite successfully on the supercharger setups on the Soarers locally. Sounds like it might be worth waiting until you get the managment in place, unless you can get a lower psi wastegate on the turbos.
If funds are tight go Megasquirt. You can build it yourself even cheaper. Then all you need is a Ford EDIS 8 (very cheap on Ebay) and a 36-1 wheel.

Easy-ish and ok to 20psi so should cover all you need.

20 psi ????
i was only planning on running about 7-8psi till i get the new computer, but 20, thats a lota boost :saevil: :saevil:

thanks for all the info guys, its all helping.
mounted the intercooler in today, and started doing some piping, so its all go.
That's why I was telling you about Megasquirt and EDIS as it's very capable, cheap and more than enough on your set up.

Give it a go.

Mate just google Megasquirt to their site.

I was a bit put off then realised the UK importer lived only 10 miles from me so we met up for a beer and he was very helpful. He talked me through it all and I'm pretty confident to give it a go.

If I can't do it there are plenty who can build it for me but I want the challenge first.
You can get most of the bits (excluding the wheel) from a US Mustang Breaker on ebay for about US$80.

Not bad eh? You can mount the 2 coil packs on the bulk head (firewall) and just run the ignition leads down the channels out of the way.

You only need the vrank position sensor plus a TPS. All the other crap including the cam position sensors can be binned. The knock sensors I think can be built into the Megasquirt set up though please clarify before buying.

no need for a rising rate reg, but you could bolt in 7MGTE 440cc injectors (there are also RX7 injectors you can use - PM Lextreme, he has a few sets) for more fuel. the stock injectors run out of puff around the 350hp mark.

So is there no need to change to a rising rate fuel reg when only running 6 psi or under with the standard ECU? And then If you change to an after market ECU and run more boost you need the rising rate fuel reg?

Also with changing the injectors when using the standard ECU, does the ECU knows about it somehow and ajusts the fuel maps accordingly?? I would have thought you need an after market ECU to ajust for the bigger injectors??
There's never the need for a rising rate reg...this is old skool fuel control and should never be used...bodgy bodgy bodgy.

Toyota OEM regs do a good job of controlling of fuel versus boost pressure until you start chasing big numbers or you want to up the base fuel pressure.
help.... im still having trouble with the oil return system (low mount turbos), how did it work on the tutorial on the main page???????
ive found an external electric oil pump that vdo make, but it flows 106l p/h at 3.5 bar pressure (constant rate), im thinking this is a little too much nad the pump will constantly be starving???
the car is also copping an aftermarket computer now, as it needs to be done, so fuel is no problem.
what recomendations for the spark do people have?
and just the damn oil return is causing problems..... help!
