The Supra pumps are power hogs. I had Kinsler Fuel Injection run a pretty thorough flow test of a brand new one a couple years ago, and along with the usual pressures, and flows, I also had them measure the amperage consumed by the pump. Then I had them repeat the test for voltages of 9, 12, 14, 16 and 18v. It revealed lots of things about these pumps, one of which is that you need to have large enough conductors to handle the load. I wouldn't run anything smaller than a #12 AWG (roughly 4.0mm2) to each pump, and a like size earth. In the Supra community there are owners running as large as #8 AWG direct from the battery to these pumps to avoid voltage drop.
One of the more interesting points the tests showed is that the flow of the pump decreased by nearly 50% by dropping the voltage from 12 to 9 volts, so even one or two volts lost in the wiring will make a big difference in your pump output.