My poor wife had no idea what she was in for.

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.
So I went in there last night and was able to unfasten all that stuff and dig till I got to the firewall but all that stuff is kind of hangi g there. What dis you end up doing with it?
So I went in there last night and was able to unfasten all that stuff and dig till I got to the firewall but all that stuff is kind of hangi g there. What dis you end up doing with it?

For the power steering module I put his velcro and stick it to the knee panel and it stays there fine. The fuse box I zip tied it to other surrounding things but made sure to get it as far to the one side as I can as the wires are not that long to be moving it.
Cool im glad to hear its possible this way. No chance you have a photo of your pedal setup is there? How well did the sc300 pedals fit? Would I be best scouring for a set of these or would other similar sets be equally as good?
Cool im glad to hear its possible this way. No chance you have a photo of your pedal setup is there? How well did the sc300 pedals fit? Would I be best scouring for a set of these or would other similar sets be equally as good?

I'm having issues with my front brakes locking up. I think it's dude to the sc300 brake pedal design so I'm going to revert back to the ls400 brake pedal.
Ok, so I spent the afternoon rooting around a junk yard with a couple friends and ended up finding a camery that had a set of pedals in it. also while i was under the dash yanking the pedals my friend found a full budwiser in the back seat. By the time I had the pedal set out he had his free beer down and we headed out. On the way out I saw a rear end in a pile of axles from an IS 300. Anybody know if there is a way to distinguish a lsd out of the IS300's? And/or if it will bolt up to ls400 axle shafts?

Got home and fliped up the hood on the ls400 and noticed something crammed against the fire wall next to the brake master about where I want to mount a clutch master. Anybody know what this is? Im betting from the glance i had of it its something like an abs unit or something.
I think it's called the TRAC accumulator. If you want your clutch master cylinder on the engine side of the firewall, say good bye to TRAC and ABS. Or create a big headache relocating it.
Ok havent posted here in a while. Been super busy and havent been able to pit in mich time on the 400. Got the adaptor in the mail. Thats super exciting! Brake pedal is in. Cant tell if its spaced perfect or not but its well enough for now. Working on mounting the clutch now and after that is done it'll be on to tranny yanking time.

Cant say I care much for abs. Itll help out at times but if we retain it at the very least there will be a big red switch to turn it on and off. Mostly I expect itll stay off anyway. Looks like the bracketry needed to relocate that stuff on top of the coilover will be super simple if in fact the pump works in its new spot. I'll try to keep updates a little more often, but its hard to find time to work on it let alone post up progress shots.
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here's some shots of the abs garbage and whereabouts I may think of relocating it to. only problem I can see with this is that the tube that feeds the pump for the abs unit seems to be gravity fed and by placing it over top of the soon to be coilover it may not prime itself with brake fluid. if it just doesnt work I'll remove it entirely.


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Ok, so some friends and I went to a junk yard a bit ago and I scored a brake and clutch pedal/bracket set out of a 90ish toyota camery. I tackled the brake first. ended up pulling the ls400 brake pedal and bracket mount out entirely and looking over the both of them. they ended up being only slightly different, but no way was the camery pedal bracket mount going to fit in there so I decided to just swap the camery pedal into the ls400 bracket mount. the hinge width, and distance to master cylinder hole was exactly the same. The only thing is that the camery had a slightly smaller through hole for the interface with the master cylinder and the switch pad was on the oposite side of the pedal. so first thing I did was pull out a letterd/numberd drill set and drilled out the hole to the correct size for the ls400 master cylinder pin. I believe it was size O.

Then on to the brake switch pad. First I cut off the switch pad from the ls400 brake pedal. Placed the pedal in the bracket and lined everything up and buzzed it on with the mig welder.

After that it was just a simple re-install of the camery pedal in the ls400 mounting bracket back into the car. hooked everything back up and whala.
All set. Dono if i am super happy with the distance of the brake pedal to the gas seems it may be hard to do heel toe braking maneuvers with it in this orientation, but if so I can easily cut and re-weld the pedal arm itself to suit my needs. For now though its fine. On to tackle the clutch.


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Today I started to tackle the clutch pedal. There isnt really a lot of room in there. So far ive torn out a bunch of stuff and kind of made some room. its not ideal by any means but it should work. I eyeballed the camery clutch pedal setup I have and it looks like it just wont work bolted against the firewall and mounting the master cylinder is going to be a pita. So my plan is to cut a rectangular hole in the firewall and weld in a small bump out to the firewall to get the pedal into a more opportune spot.

So today I spent a little time in the machine shop making a little pedal bracket master cylinder adaptor plate that will eventually become the bump out in the firewall.

Next up is to cut a big hole in my firewall!


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Grr cant figure how to flip thos photos. Annoying. I'll reshoot them so they're not so awefull to look at.
