Checked that one today. As it runs so much boost I would have expected it to run lean when it got up to 15 or more psi wihout any coreresponding increase in fuel load.
I checked the continuity to earth for the IAT and Coolant temp sensors and the reading for the IAT was a bit iffy. After cleaning a connector all is as it should be.
The car still ran like a dog so I checked the TPS and its plugged in, the CAS is in but I may remove it and check if it's covered in grung.
I re-arranged al the spark plug wires in case one or more was shorting out.
The fuel pressure is 43psi at idle which is spot on. If it had a blocked return line I would be expect it to read much higher.
On one drive it was just like it used to be. Went like the clappers

)) then when I went to start it next time it wouldn't crank over.
Battery voltage was fine and when I pulled the fuse that protects the crank circuit and reinstalled it it fired right up. This fuse could be feeding the ignition coils (I didn't check today) and may be intermittent. I've had the problem before with this fuse and as the holder is 15 years old I'll just replace it.
The miss is intermittent but comes in under load as you crack the throttle open.
I'm suspecting TPS but this is the 3rd unit in the car in the last 12 months. I use a F.A.S.T. billet throttle body and I'm starting to think it may have some runnout in the shaft that's killing off the TPS units. At $250.00 each I don't want to keep throwing them at the car.
I may try and borrow an LS1 t/b and try it out and see if it reduces the problem. Unfortunately my LS3 one is FBW so I can't use it.
The car's getting like an old girlfriend; still looks the goods and deliver's the goods but the girl down the road is starting to look a little too interesting and needs my attention more!
Even my wife has commented on my lack of enthusiasm for the car at the moment.
I better keep my wife I can't afford to replace her.