Thanks, It's really cold here now, right around 30 degrees, no painting can be done when its that cold, and I need to dissassemble the other head light (pain in the ass!) then its on to the interior, wish me luck!
I've decided to take time this weekend to place the motor and trans underneath the car once again to get an idea of what all will need to be cut, I have bolted the trans to the motor (rigged it up basically) to give a decent idea of what size it will be and what room it will take up. I'll take bunches of pics and upload them asap!
awesome! I'd be happy to recreate this project in the future, off topic you wouldnt happen to have those coolent pipes would you?if I could barrow them as soon as I get everything fab'd and installed I'd give you mine. Just let me know,
UPDATE: I'm still waiting on Vvega... (thats another story)
However, I've made good use of my time... I went on a diet. ok not me personally. But my MR2. I've thougth and thought about it, almost to the point of loosing sleep one night, and thought up a way to make up for adding weight. I had 120 lbs and turned it into 50 lbs! Pictures are worth a thousand words so I'll stop typing...
Before: 60 lbs each.
After: 25ish lbs each.
I will be adding a complete roll cage. I will have spare doors with power windows for when I drive around town in the rain lol
My adapter plate/flywheel have all been shipped, should take a few days... then its off to get some bolts and nuts needed to get it bolted to the motor!
Jeff, keep up the good work! I'm putting the 1uz-fe into a Porsche 914. I also have some clearance issues with the thermostat housing and would like to relocate it to the rear of the engine. The cam pulleys are going into pockets in the firewall and the distributors are being replaced by a ford EDIS-8 wasted spark run by the Mega Squirt ECU. Lucky for me Kennedy Engineered products makes my adapter and flywheel. 1uzfe to porsche 901 transaxle. Mine is a longitudinal installation. I'm in Atlanta GA.
Keep up the progress.
Goodwood we might have to meet up when we get our projects done! I love the porsches, and would like to do a longitude mounted 1uz with another kitcar or MR2. Keep me posted and please email me pics! 3.5 hour drive is worth it to me, this is a love! hahha Im happy someone else is in the community thats on my side of the world.
For right now I am going to use the 901. Several guys on the 914club are putting Chevy 350's in front of them. I know i have to be very careful with reverse and absolutly no first gear usage (unsupported on one side). The other option is the Porsche G50 transaxle used in the 930 turbo $$$ I just want to get the thing running before i start worring about upgrades. I've been told the 901 can handle the 270 ft-lbs or torque the 1uz-fe can dish out in stock form. I will just have to baby it. Target weight of the car is 1900 lbs. We will definetly have to meet up when we get these things done!Paul
Sounds really cool man, definately have to meet up. No new progress on my swap, my adapter is held in NZ at the moment pending my bank transfer that isnt going though cause of lack of information! I had all the info in the past, its just BS!!!!!!!! IM SO PISSED....
I know how you feel, I'm putting off taking the motor apart to have a look inside and see why my leak down numbers are so low. In the meantime there are a lot of things to fix/improve on my 33 year old car so i just work on those while I save money and wait for specialty parts and equipment. Hoping to get a CNC machine soon so I may just wait on my adapter, get the fuel injection CPU built and slap the old flat 4 back in the chassis and drive it around for a little while. Who knows, I change my mind often.
So what radiator/fan and cooling ducting are you going to use?