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I don't know

Rampage is an animal. Wanderlei Silva is the only one I know of that beat him. But Silva is out of his prime now. If Cro Cop or Silva switched into UFC Rampage will have problems. Ortiz might win. Evans is undefeated though. I also think Evans might kick Ortiz's head off. He has a nasty high kick followed by a wicked knee kick.
Gonzaga is schedule to fight Couture next..... for the heavy weight championship...... Looks like Couture going to loose that one too....
Fedor is king and should spank all the heavy weights.... He's a big ruskie with skills... Gonzaga will be tested against Randy Couture, and that should be a good fight...Never count out old Randy, but if Gonzaga Spanks Randy, then I list him and Fedor at the tops.....

I can't believe there is a small fan base for UFC on this forum, what a pleasant suprise.... Tito will get lit up like a christmas tree you watch and see.. The iceaman will be back... But Dan Henderson should beat them all from Pride.. I think he will beat out Rampage Jackson.. But Lidell may take Dan.. It's all about match ups...

How about Matt Hughes, George St. Piere, BJ Penn, and now Matt Sierra? Who's the best out of that group? That is a wicked weight division....
I still think Matt Hughes the best in that group. Matt Sierra? Who is that? He got lucky.. What happen to GSP? He lost and he is out of the picture for months now....
I think St. Pierre and Hughes are the best. i agree about Matt the terror, I don't know how he beat Pierre. I think a rematch would show it was a fluke. Couture could obviously win on any day against anyone. What ever happened with Frank Mir? Is he out for good? He needs to get back in shape and tear some arms apart. I have his Sylvia fight on DVD. I like how he called that fight move for move before he went out and broke Sylvias arm. Maybe they should start a tag team UFC sport. That would be rough. Whos Fedor fighting next?:swordfight:
GPS is still healing up from getting rocked by Matt Sierra....That victory was not a fluke, Matt Sierra has rediculous ground skills and can bang too... Matt Sierra may be at the top for a while... Matt Hughes will beat them all though, but his stand up is limited...GSP will beat Hughes again....

There's a wrestler with blond curly hair from Oregon, he was undefeated as a college wrestler (division 1) and he may beat the whole clan... His name slips my mind but he is a phsical freak like Matt Hughes.. Looking for him to be the next champ..Maybe you guys can help me with his name it slips my mind, he just beat the undefeated Mexican MMA fighter Diego nightmare Sanches or something...
Yeah, Josh is my next pick to be champ...He still needs more time to develope but he will be tuff to beat right now...

I would like to see him fight for the UFC title....
I'm looking forward to the Rashad Evans vs.Tito Ortis match... I like the undefeated Evans to out wrestle and out ground and pound the huntington beach wimp boy... SHould be a good fight...
I dont think Josh has it all. His stand up really bad and ground needs alot of work. He is a wrestler for sure. I think the guy (black dude from pride I think silva) will be the next champ...
Lex, I am impressed with your knowledge of the sport...Do you watch most of the pay per view UFC's? Or do only watch the Spike TV shows?

Josh is probably the best wrestler in the UFC, maybe even a little better then Matt Hughes...You will not see Josh on his back ever... His stand up is greatly improved as shown in his boring fight against Diego Sanches.. Not so sure about his submitting game, I know he has the neck chokes down, it's the arm bars, leg locks, and other submissions that I am sure he needs more work on... He's only been choked into unconciousness in his one loss, which tells me he's not a whip and won't tap easily....That's big, or maybe stupid..Not sure...

His cardio is real good too which is big in the UFC which alot of people don't understand... A tired fighter becomes a bad fighter... Josh's Chin is still untested but appears to be solid...
The big UFC fights are tomarrow night on pay per view... My pics...

- Nate wins the title from Anderson Silva
- Sherk beats out Branca and keeps the title
- Evans pounds out Tito Ortis
- Minotar beats out Texas Crazy horse

Any thoughts on this packed fight card...Anyone paying 39.95 to view?
My pick:

Silva winr by TKO
Branca win by submission
Tito win by TKO
Dont know the last two fighers....

Rashad Evans is over rated. He hasn't face any reputable opponants yet. So far I am not impress with his style or wins. HBBB (Huntington Beach Bad Boy) will take him to school. I think UFC 74 would be a good one to watch. Perhaps next time we can hang out for MMA PPV


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Right on Lex...

Why I picked my picks...

Anderson "the spider" Silva while is a great striker is not much of a wrestler and can be mounted quite easily on the ground... I think Nate being a very good wrestler will take advantage of just that, and he is also very good at submission defense... Should be a good fight none the less... All those brazilians fighters like Silva are great at Jitsu but typically stink at wrestling...

Again Sherk over Branca, great wrestling skills and good submission defense usually wins out over good Jitsu... Sherk also is slightly better stand up fighter and has way better cardio.. I look for Sherk to take control of the fight in the later rounds...

Rashad Evans - I just think being undefeated he is more confident and is a super good wrestler with knock out power...I never bet against an undefeated fighter... Could go either way though, but my gut says Rashad... Plus Tito is too hollywood and flashy for me to like...The boy needs another good beat down to humble him...
