The great diff debate
yeah well that's a bit of a mistery... as ive always thought that the diff centre was different on the UCF10 and UCF20. Even on these forums, the concensus seems to confirm that. However on both the Kaas (DAT3020) and Cusco (HBD192A) web site's they say that their LSD units are the same for both UCF10 & 20, '01 onwards Supra and Soarer.
.... Now i spent months going thru toyota diff part numbers on the site and according to their part numbers, both the UCF10 and UCF20 both had different diff centre part numbers.
The part numbers for open diff cases (centres) are the same for all the Soarer's from '91 onwards...UZZ30,31,40. and JZZ30,31 and 32 And Supra's from '91 onwards (except 6MT) ... and the UCF20. And they all quote the same LSD part number (where applicable) Now that means i guess that the Tosen 1 and Torsen 2 should fit every Soarer and SC300/400 '91 onwards including UCF20 &21.
Now i know guys put LSD's in UCF10's but i'm not sure what there out of.. I just don't know why the part numbers for the UCF10 diff don't match anything else.... Maybe someone else can she some light on that...