Jealous, Desperate & Insecure

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.

Lextreme II

Active Member

i am pretty sadden from what was said by Doublewhoosh aka Todd M. Owner of TM Engineering
He DOES want to build things to market and sell. He DOES do this for a profit. He has a regular "day" job so he does not need to work as hard at this to get by like others who actually do this for a living, so you may be fooled into thinking this is not for profit.

He has already marketed and sold products. I know for a fact that many of his parts he has procured with the impression that he is going to use them in his project car and promote the people who gave him the parts, in turn he back-sources them, finds out how to order them himself, and then sells them as his own. This he has done to myself and also JPI and others.

His pistons he says are his, those are my pistons. His copper head gasket? Mine. Rod design, mine. High output alternator, JPI. If you want to test this out, ask him some more deeper or specific questions on his piston design - why some parts of them are shaped in some way, or why certain parts are thinner or thicker, why he decided to have the pin height where it is, what rod it is designed for, if it was made for a higher revving engine, higher torque engine, turbo, how much boost, what rings and what material, why the rings are sitting where they are on that piston. Don't email him either with time to ask someone else, ask him in person so he has to answer right then and there. These are points he won't even know about his own pistons that he is selling, but I can surely tell you the answer to each of them. But I think I will keep my mouth shut this time around. Lessons learned for me.

I don't ever mind helping someone out, but it sure would be nice to get some credit and some compensation back in return.

Morris' GS400 turbo project, I had some pretty good advice for him in opposition to Lextreme's offer to build him pistons. The only thing I got in return from saving him from a catastrophic turn was "I got some good advice from an honest vendor on CL" or something to that effect. That sure helps to make people know that I might be the one to go to next time when they need something for a high horsepower engine project....NOT He is having problems with overheating right now and I have a very good idea what it is, but once again, I will keep my mouth shut.

It takes years and years of experience to gather the information needed to be able to PROACTIVELY solve project problems. Yes, you can blow things up, screw up and try to figure out what you did wrong, this is Lexteme's approach. But to get most of it right the first time from previous experience and educated guesses, this is what you might call trade secrets. There is a reason for this word secret. And when you give someone some help with this type of information and get nothing in return, and sometimes even get the rug pulled out from under you in return, I don't think that is very cool to say the least. Do you think NASA makes something in the hopes it will work, then launch it into the sky? Even on rockets or whatever that haven't ever been done before, do you honestly think they do this? Sure there are minor bugs here and there which are the learn from your mistakes portion, but major mistakes just show the difference between someone who knows that they are on the "know what they are doing" level and the hobbyist or shooting in the dark level.

If he truly was about everyone having fun, he'd do a supercharger or turbo on someone else's car and not charge them. I'm sure he has a decent amount of money, and some pretty good expendable income. This wouldn't cost more than say 5g's for the parts and he should donate his time. He has no overhead or business that takes back in whatever you make, so this should be perfect - helping someone else out for fun. See if he will do that for you. I'm sure this would never happen, and I'm sure if he ever figured out how to actually make a marketable kit or parts, he'd sell them happily at a profit, in as large of quantity as possible. If you think this is not true, I have a nice bridge to sell you.

Nothing against him, but if you want to stick up for him as a not for profit entity with everyone's best interest in mind, you are definitely barking up the wrong tree.

I know for a fact that many of his parts he has procured with the impression that he is going to use them in his project car and promote the people who gave him the parts, in turn he back-sources them, finds out how to order them himself, and then sells them as his own. This he has done to myself and also JPI and others

NOT TRUE. I dont even know JPI then. I got did a search on the net and found a place in Texas to make me custom 175 amps alternator. I didnt not go through JPI.

His pistons he says are his, those are my pistons. His copper head gasket? Mine. Rod design, mine. High output alternator, JPI. If you want to test this out, ask him some more deeper or specific questions on his piston design - why some parts of them are shaped in some way, or why certain parts are thinner or thicker, why he decided to have the pin height where it is, what rod it is designed for, if it was made for a higher revving engine, higher torque engine, turbo, how much boost, what rings and what material, why the rings are sitting where they are on that piston. Don't email him either with time to ask someone else, ask him in person so he has to answer right then and there. These are points he won't even know about his own pistons that he is selling, but I can surely tell you the answer to each of them. But I think I will keep my mouth shut this time around. Lessons learned for me.

YOUR Pistons? The pistons are from Ross. I sent in a 1uzfe piston along with a rod and Pat at Ross pistons helped me. JBrady can verified this. Those pistons are not yours Todd. Keep on dreaming.

Cooper gaskets... they are SCE...... they make them for 1uzfe. Keep dreaming Todd.

Todd you dont need an engineering degree to know what make, model and year and get the right part. If it take you to get an engineering degree to figure that our, then you wasted your money on your degree.

Morris' GS400 turbo project, I had some pretty good advice for him in opposition to Lextreme's offer to build him pistons. The only thing I got in return from saving him from a catastrophic turn was "I got some good advice from an honest vendor on CL" or something to that effect. That sure helps to make people know that I might be the one to go to next time when they need something for a high horsepower engine project....NOT He is having problems with overheating right now and I have a very good idea what it is, but once again, I will keep my mouth shut.

Just trying to help but i didnt know it got backfire on me.

All i can say is that you are jealous of the success in our site. You are pissed because i didnt buy your pistons. We got a group purchase on the pistons and why would i need your pistons? Beside, you were going to sell me your shitty pistons u ordered and dont need it.

Yes, i appreciate your rods. They are great. I treated you like a friend. I refer you customers, we even did a businese deal together. I always say good things about you. I am very sadden that you have to stood that low to make $20. Give me your paypal account i will paypal you $20. 99% of thing you said about me is simply NOT TRUE. I dont know where you get the information from. I am sorry our friendship stops here. I usually dont talk about people. I prefer to talk about concepts and you my friend had crossed the line.

Todd I have never disrepected you and this time you have done yourself something beyond what u can handle. I have many members got terrible experience from you and i always defended for you. Todd, if you have anything to say. Say it infront of my face. Otherwise stop be jealous and stop being disperate. From what i heard your shop is really in trouble and you are desperate and i totally understand that. Desperate people do desperate things. I also have heard your shop might be closed in two years at the rate u r going. Once again, average people talk about people, intellegent people talk about concepts.

I have never met this guy. We emailed about 5 times, talk over the phone about 3 times and never seen his face. Its also funny two to three years go we had a mini meet at Starbucks in the City of Rowland Heights. The driver was Lee and Todd was in Lee's car. He never came out and stay in the car all night long. Initially i didnt know it was him, then i asked Lee who was the guy in your car that night. He was very anti-social. Lee stated it was Todd and Todd said he was too good for us at the meet. Come on Todd what was that? Do u think you are more superior then all of us?

Why am i so mad? This is why If you have problems with me, please call me or email privately. There is no reason to publically downgrade me with false information. The reason i post here is because Club Lexus closed the thread and they would delete my thread if I post information that is not beneficial to their "VENDOR".
Those are some really harsh and inaccurate words spoken by Todd. I've known David for some time now and he's been a great friend to me since the very beginning. He has been a mentor to me since i've been in this business. He has by far the MOST knowledge of the 1uz engine than anyone i've ever met and he offers his knowledge to anyone who wants to listen (at no cost I should add). We've done several projects together that are very costly, yet i've never seen him try to make money on anything he does. So, I have David's back all the way.

This is HARSH.

I hope you understand that we all support you and would not trade your knowledge and this site for anything?

If there is anything we can do make sure to let us know man, I am sure we will all be there for you.
looking at ur post shows your really interested in the love of the V8 lexus, and not trying to get rich or rip anyone, I hate people that try to start crap! NO RESPECT FOR THEM!

And winner of the 98th annual douche bag of the year goes to!
Todd Matsubara.
Which leads to the question. Who would deal with TM Engineering, a box full of douche bags, when they could deal with better people that aint also a bunch of tards.
Courtesy of Todd Matsubara & TM Engineering. Uberdouches of 2005.
Wow, i wish i could respond to his blantantly stupid post, but it was off topic so they had to shut it down... but god that guy is REALLY jelous, i agree with V8troy. Just wow, david, we know hes full of it, we are all with you, hes just another turd, people never cease to amaze me....seriously. Think about it this way, im sure you have a much better life than him so he has everything to be jelous of, lol.


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seems like this guy doesnt understand the fact of free market. too bad he had to make so many bad comments about dave, he dug himself into a whole of lies. thats a bad impression to stay in your car. like you have something to hide, maybe you cheap parts and high price? cant show ur face. eat ur parts then! haha
Lets put out a challenge to him. See if he will back up his comments on this site. Somehow I don't think so.
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David, unreal!!! I read Todds post in disbelief. And when is it wrong to try to make a few bucks? How does his statement about the pistons even make sense???

David, I have known you for sometime now...All I can say is that you stand behind what you do and say, and that you are very generous of sharing what you have learned about the 1UZ...

David, keep up the good work, man.

The oldest game in the book is if you can't raise yourself to someone else's level pull them down to yours.

Let it go and move on. Life is full of losers, wannabes and total tossers. Add Todd to the list.

David you have more important and productive things to do in your life than worry about this sort of garbage.
The world is full of Todd Masturbator's (is that really his name)
But there is only one Lextreme.
The immitator is always jealous of the innovator.
Best wishes David
the whole site will be behind you on this David.

even is there is fact to his claim that the piston, rod and gasket design are "his", is it not possible for someone else who plays with this engine night and day to come up with something similar? methinks so.

anyways, i say have a coke, a smile and shut the fcuk up.
pro240c said:
even is there is fact to his claim that the piston, rod and gasket design are "his"
Yeah I'm sure he really "designed" those rods...more like he was the first to pay a company to manufacture rods with 1UZ specs.

And I didn't know Todd works for Ross pistons. Maybe he's the Ross employee that David talked to about making 1UZ pistons,but Todd just didn't give Dave his real name. LOL.
After reading the Club Lexus thread I must say cheers to Sniper and Xirforever for sticking up for Lextreme and boo hiss to those agreeing with Todd Masturbator, one of whom was our very own "Verylost" whats with that s*it Lost, if you too are against Lextreme just go away.
Bitching about Lextreme on CL and then coming here and using his site is, in my opinion, a low act.
Just my 2 cents
David, I'm very proud and honor to be your friend all these times. You been helping me and many other with things that can only come from true experience and knowledge. Don't let those comments sadden you
. Just know that you will always have my support and others. What goes around comes around.
Hahahaha, Lex this only makes lextreme members stronger! We dont have to take that crap, and with the US members joining daily probably we will show these other asses that we know our ****!

Sorry thats the redneck coming out of me,
Well I feel for ya, man.
I have been dealing with the same thing at my work where I have a much less experienced person taking credit for my ideas and designs in a research and developement environment. There, like here, there are a few that at least know the real story.
