Implanting a 1UZ into a Triumph TR6

The 1UZFE EGR Delete Kit is available for sale here.


New Member
Signal Red 74 1/2 Triumph TR-6 recieving a 96 1UZ transpant

was originally working towards a 72 Buick 455 big block mated to a WC T5 trans, but like the way the 1UZ works in my 92 SC400 so much I've made a wholesale shift (oh god, what am I doing...) and decided to abandon my wild 455 build (500/500) and go with the 1UZ instead. A Nissan R230 3.73 LSD is going into the rear, and I'm hoping to get another 1" or 2 wider on the rear wheels without tubbing the body or modifying the trailing arms to help get power to the ground.

Motor/trans with intake, exhaust, engine and trans wiring harnesses were transported home yesterday. Next step is to get the motor started up and see what I've gotten myself into. Looking for a fuel pump.

Current needs:
- Trying to cobble together a schematic for the minimum wiring necessary to start this lump up
- have found links to the remote oil filter adapter plate, the EGR blockoff plates, and exhaust flanges for the custom headers to clear the tight engine bay confines here on the site
- continue pestering Lextreme for a 36-1 trigger wheel to get Megasquirt box into the mix.
- Megasquirt GPIO board logic for standalone A340E transmission control, will probably need to flesh this out myself using Lance's
- figure out a serpentine belt config for a 1UZ without A/C, Powersteering or hydraulic cooling
- get the alternator relocated up higher to clear the narrow frame
- confirmation that the stock rear sump will fit between the narrow frame rails
- work up a shifter solution, maybe an paddle shifter on the wheel using solenoids is do-able.

stay tuned...
Good luck Mike; BTW, since your TR6 is of a vintage where you're not going to have to worry about emissions, you might want to consider carbureting the 1UZ. Until I ran mine last week carbureted, I had forgotten how simple a carb setup was. I would bet the stock 1UZ intake manifold could be adapted fairly easily to take a Holley.

Or if you want to get fancy, keep the injection but put GSXR ITB's on just the lower half of the manifold. Even more trick, put some ells on the lower manifold so the bike throttles are now horizontal. This would help your hood clearance.

A nice standalone ignition box you could use is the MegaJolt Lite Jr. It doesn't pretend to do anything else but ignition, it's cheap, and the software is dead simple to use. This, plus an EDIS8, two Ford coilpacks and some 8mm leads and you'd have yourself a complete ignition for less than $200.
wanting to do both spark and fuel off of the megasquirt. one of the reasons for switching to the 1UZ is for EFI, I'm a computer guy and like the geek factor of being able to tune electronically. firing up the tuning program on my palm pilot and then plugging it in via a patch cable to adjust and tune the EFI just beats carb tuning hands down without question in my world.

I've had an EDIS-8 setup laying around for awhile that I'd like to use on the project at some point, but I'll prob start with the stock ECU and try to "eat the elephant in small bites" and just get the motor in and car running and on the road again. then dig in and start doing upgrades.

I'm off to the hot rod shop to have them fab up a mount for my R230 pumpkin and see about modifying the trailing arms for somewhat wider rims later this afternoon.
I can make some more MS 36-1 wheels if there is enough demand for them. If we can get a 5 order then I have no problem with it.
its been awhile:

current news is that the Nissan R230 LSD rear is install by the good folks at the California Hot Rod shop ( - man they did a nice job for me, not cheap but it looks well worth it, excellent craftsmanship, the welds are a thing of beauty.

So I load the 1UZ into the truck early tomorrow am and haul it over for mounting into the TR6 frame, I'll try to get some photos as we progress.

Exhaust, fuel lines and brake lines come next once I get it back - along with cutting the trunk in the tub to make some room for the new diff.


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So I dropped the 1UZ off this morning, decided to let the shop fab the mounting since they did such a nice job on the diff. I could do it but no doubt it would end up a looking like a hack job vs their professional work. Plus I've been sitting on the project for 4 years, they'll prob have it done by the beginning of next week. Hard to avoid the feeling of my kicking and screaming as I'm being pulled quickly thru the process by them.... but its all good.
Dude, those truimps are old pieces of junk...Couldn't you find any other car to swap in that fine 1996 1uz-fe motor of yours? Not to rag on you bro but I remember those cars being the absolute worst.. They just fall apart...

However, they are small and light in weight though... but then again so are the Suzuki Samuri's, Lee cars, mini coopers, VW bugs, Geo Metro's etc..
one man's junk, another man's treasure... love this car, had it for years, easy to work on, chicks dig it, and it's a blast to drive even with the stock drivetrain - it's like a slot car. looking forward to getting it back on the road
Diff'rent strokes diff'rent folks
My car was a piece of crap
But there is something in making something so bad into something soo good.
(The TR6 was one of the better cars!)
Good Luck sonaramike
(you're gonna need it):alcoholic:
Re Megasquirt, GPIO and transcontrol, did you see my thread on a megasquirt based A341E controller.

I have it working on the bench now and plan to use it in my hot rod. It uses code written by James Murray from the MSextra forums. It already supports A341E transmissions and can be used on MS2, GPIO or Microsquirt. If you run MS2extra for your engine control then it all works via CAN network, so you only have to connect to the one serial port to tune both.



P.S. nice ride.
Brit cars bring out the masochist in everyone. Way down deep, every man has a dirty little secret spot that is begging to be beat up and abused by a British car. We all know of the woman's "G" spot, well this is the man's "B" spot. It's no wonder the owners call them "sodding cars" and the owners are called "poor sods"

Some of us poor sods can't get enough; AMHIK, I've owned:
LandRover Discovery
Two "E" types
A '60 something P1800S (OK, a Brit car in a Swedish wrapper)
Still love Lotuses, especially Europas

British cars are without a doubt the most ill conceived and designed, poorly built pieces of junk on the planet. They're unsafe, impossible to get parts for, they leak, smoke, drip, overheat, and catch on fire. They use at least three different standards of mechanical fasteners and fittings, so you have to have three sets of tools to work on them. They rust faster than grass grows, and their electrics are impossible; Lucas are the only electrical company on earth that require 3 wires to get 12 volts to a circuit. They figure it's for reliability, but they're soooo wrong; it's really three times the likelihood the da*n thing won't work and will go up in smoke.....

But if a JPS Europa came up for sale nearby, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
the motor is mounted in the frame and coming back home later this morning, next is the driveshaft install and fab of the adapters to get the TR6 half shafts mated to the R230 diff, then on to exhaust.

will prob try to get some wiring cobbled together to get the motor started just to shake it out before dropping the tub back on the frame for more cutting to accommodate the new oversized pumpkin in the rear
Re Megasquirt, GPIO and transcontrol, did you see my thread on a megasquirt based A341E controller.

I have it working on the bench now and plan to use it in my hot rod. It uses code written by James Murray from the MSextra forums. It already supports A341E transmissions and can be used on MS2, GPIO or Microsquirt. If you run MS2extra for your engine control then it all works via CAN network, so you only have to connect to the one serial port to tune both.



P.S. nice ride.

Hey Daniel

yes I did see that and was very happy to read about your progress. While I'm going to initially run the stock computer, MS2 and your code isnt too far in the future. I just need to eat this thing in small bites. have been following your adventures over on (I'm miked there), nice to see you over here too
Any chance of having access to your blog, I’m going to put a 1UZ in a Tr6 in the UK and could do with seeing how it fits. How much did you need to cut from the tub. Did you modify the chassis. Does it fit under the bonnet/hood. I assume a rear : mid sump to clear the crossmember. Any help gratefully received. Thanks. Jonathan
