how to clean foggy headlights

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New Member
Hope this helps someone.

I bought my son a 1992 Lexus sc400 and the drivers side headlight gets condensation on the inside (have not found a solution yet).

Both headlights were yellowish and foggy and car did not light up the road very well.

I used 2000 grit sand paper and WET sanded the headlights , then I used a buffer and polish on them.

All yellowish fog is gone. It worked awesome. It only takes about 15 minutes or so and was well worth it. They look great

Take your time, do it lightly at first then buff and repeat if neccesary.
there's a lens polishing compound that you can find at almost any auto parts store called lens magic or something like that. comes in a blue bottle. Works great.
As far as the condensation on the inside is concerned, the seal around the headlight has a leak. Remove the headlight, "dry" the inside with a hair dryer. Use a glue of some sort from an auto parts place like autozone. I used "GOOP" last vehicle I did this to. Messy like rubber cement and should be left to set before reinstallation. I would run a small bead all the way around the light and smooth it out like caulk in a bathroom. I'll have pics if you need them.
A trick if nothing else works....
Is to drill a small hole in the lowest part to let any water out...
